Tou veiao tambem, e tenho meus likes e dislikes: e ter que lidar com alguem que age desse jeito eu posso rejeitar sem me preocupar, mas hey, ficcao neh :)
Prefiro alguem ja com a mente mais alinhada, que terapia nao ta de gratis kkkkkkk
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. Dropped it, what a dumpster fire of a girl.
Yeah, totally going back to the bad temper ex wont get you in trouble, naaah. Did saw that in real life and dont want to see in 2D too lol
Ngl, was pretty satisfying to see the source of the noise dead, at least in a perspective this outcome is not real life. But hell I bet this is on most victims of a noisy neighbor head is, and I don't blame them for that. Somewhat I wished the idol just to get away from this crime