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  1. enpassant

    Kusakabe-kun Another

    @lolipedofin yes, I've been caught out as a chess nerd lol I don't know if there's more v2 content, but that's all that I had. There's also a bunch of other pixiv omakes as well on Shindou Arashi's pixiv now.
  2. enpassant

    Kusakabe-kun Another

    @lolipedofin Go ahead. Let me know if you need the raws.
  3. enpassant

    Kusakabe-kun Another

    @milleniumbug Hey there, I'm aware and have the raws for the untranslated stuff! I have full-time work now and haven't really had the opportunity to work on it this summer, but I am planning to sit down and translate and release the remainder of V3 and the pixiv extras when I get the opportunity.
  4. enpassant

    Kusakabe-kun Another

    Thanks you guys, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If someone manages to get ahold of the raws from Comitia 125, I can keep translating, but for now this is all I've got.