@Kuraiaku Misunderstund not my fellow manga connoisseur, what I like is not messed up violence and despair but the prospect of possible recuperation/redemption from it, Though fair enough most japanese artists and story writers tend to skip that part after violence is done. Also crazy girls (not senseless yandere but well thought crazy - like Yakedo Shoujo, tsumi to kai or nisioisins Shoujo fujuubun).
Most weirdly enough, the only artists to write a small bit into my niche is Freakily Charming with his selfmade visual novel - Teaching Feeling, https://vndb.org/v18636 - (just ignore the H and its quite lovely short read, maybe not even that since it doubles as raising sim)
Also, out of my 20 comments a year, I get called out like 10 times over that picture 😅
edit: half of them ask for sauce, pixiv 1226647 minasan btw, found it just today