1 2 Translations is looking for an experienced translator.

Group Leader
Feb 4, 2019
My group, 1 2 Translations, is currently looking for an experienced translator to work on our current project 1LDK+JK Ikinari Doukyo Micchaku. It's a vanilla H-manga by Fumitsuki Sou updated regularly monthly or bi-monthly. We our currently getting by using other translating methods that doesn't include using an actual human translator, so we're in the need of one to provide better quality translations.

Your task will be to translate chapters as they become available in a timely manner, and provide assistance during proofreading/editing and quality control.

We have a liberal schedule with getting chapters done, but we do have weekly check in on progress to make sure steady progress is being made.

If you're willing to work on hentai material, please use the link below to join our Discord and DM B4z73rd (AKA me) to inquire about the position.

1 2 Translations Discord server: https://discord.gg/8HN5UZbG73

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