He was in highschool since he says he got the job after graduating and left for 10 yearsmaayybe? if it's a 5 year gap or over though im dropping this like a rock
she's 17 and usually you graduate at 18yo, so it might be an 11year age gap 💀💀He was in highschool since he says he got the job after graduating and left for 10 years
So seems like a 10 year age gap
Lol yep. This is a fantasy about dudes daydreaming about bagging an highschool girl like a french guyWhy is Japan so depraved? Is this wish fulfilment for beta simps who wasted away their youth and now wish to fantasise about being able to pull high school girls? Not touching this.
I approve of your elegant prose.Did not expect an age gap like that, very much not going to proceed forth.