Well he himself told that he is not that much interested in love. The only little feeling he felt that for khavel knight which was sadness not love. It's good to be friendzoned......... I like our mc because he is not in this type of shit single track mind only wants to complete quest.
It's silly that these worlds are going to converge. Didn't they state that the two worlds diverged billions of years ago. The laws of physics don't even seem the same. There was no reason to include that part to make things seem rational when what they were going for was something magical. Just leave it at the normal isekai $#!% happens.
@natchu96 diverging is also physics but converging is not so..... Any divergent world cannot converge again if entropy strictly increases in any process....except for that pretty much rest physics is same
is it really just me more sorry for the dumped guy then MC?
she agreed to date him and then dumped after 3 days...(I hope he quickly finds himself a new GF and she sees it)
at the same time, MС didnt expect anything from them