I’m going to point out that the government heroes are pragmatic, not malicious. They were willing to kill everyone in pool because leaving them alive might have caused a epidemic killing more people. They were completely willing to let everyone leave alive after the threat was neutralized. They are willing to kick a dog if it’s necessary, but aren’t going to kick it if it’s not.
Also, why on earth would the Government Heroes even frame Machman of murder? If the monster Machman was protecting was a threat to the public then why they would even need to do frame him? They already have enough justification in that case and if they some other agenda and the monster isn’t a threat, why do they not just falsify information to make it seem like the monster would be a danger to the public, it would be much simpler than framing someone of murder. Also, if Government Heroes were involved, why on earth would they get Private Heroes involved? The two side clearly don’t see eye to eye most of the time and Private Heroes might spot a thread which might cause the whole facade to come crumbling down.