@relic626 It's my opinion, the hell are you saying that it doesn't mean that its better? I swear you're hilarious, sounds like you don't know what you're talking about...
It's cleaner, the grammar is way better, the font used looks more appealing.
"More depth in the sentence structure" Nope, just bad english.
"he comes off as if he's speaking a bit more refined" Ridiculous, the translation is bad, don't make assumptions as if its assumed to be that way.
"which he is, because he already lived a previous life" Same as in 290.2, but way clearer.
"whats the point?" Point of what? Specify...
"to upload it as 290.2 is also misleading." Yeah upload it as 291, thats better? It's not misleading at all. If you used your head, you'd get it in an instant.
Holy, have you said one thing right? You disagreed with me for the sake of it. Also, I could tell that you found 290.1 better since it was way more confusing for you. For me, it just seemed like bad english and grammar, as if it's nearly google translated. If 290.1 counts as a "refined" way of speech, then I think you need to take some english courses, as no way in hell is it even "refined"...