Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2020
So how the fuck did she know that it's him, his transformation is way more than "losing weight", even if she got hid name how did she know that it's the same guy? I mean there are people with the same name
Active member
Jan 24, 2020
Those twins are so cartoonishly evil that I'm certain this author will eventually allude to the fact that they sleep together because nobody else is good enough for them
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2020
The premise is good. The art is good. But the writing is beyond horrible. It's cringey as hell as if it came right out of Chuunibyo's delusion -- and I believe it was. I really want to drop this so bad but also curious about what's going to happen next. I think there's no other way but endure this.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2020
damn i really to wnt to drop this shit, but i have nothing to read for now...
also i have bad feeling that those twin will enter the house and found the gate, also maybe the twins become the villain
Aug 15, 2020
So yeah about the twins, big spoilers.
In the Novel they try to beat up their brother, By hiring some crackheads, But since their brother (Yuuya) is experienced in combat he won, And then the twins get taken hostages by the same people who tried to beat up Yuuya, In the end Yuuya saved them and the twins, Shocked by their brothers action, Also changed.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
It's really a terrible thing when teachers bully students. Having MC translate a hard paragraph was enough of a punishment for not paying attention in class, but insisting he was cheating with no evidence and trying to make him do a job so would miss lunch deliberately is too much. Investigations likely turned up that he lost weight and gained height along with his actions which probably is how she recognized him. Although why isn't mentioning how much he changed seems odd. Also, if she's such an ojousama why weren't there any escorts or bodyguards around during the incident even if they were keeping distance and avoiding her noticing them? In any case it seems the MC is going to a better school now. Should be able to catch up with the cram skill along with the 1000+ wisdom and intelligence stats. As for his siblings I agree with him in that mocking and bullying him is too engrained. Rather than reflecting on why they were admonished or taking responsibility they're riding an emotional high that lays all the blame on MC without logic or reason, just hubris. Seems odd that school is so top level if grades and academics don't matter and only good will. Although with that number of students there's probably going to be a few bullies and people looking down on the new guy even with good will. In any case, seems increasing that luck stat was a good idea, although would be nice if could find out which range of numbers equates to x amount of luck. Like is zero considered unlucky or neither lucky or unlucky? Are mid-hundreds considered being born lucky and a thousand or so having divine luck?
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
wow his siblings act like every other mean person in isekais
their personalities are so 2-dimensional
Nov 30, 2020
ohhh that karmic retribution is nice. the brother needs to show some balls and put his siblings in their place though. he's too much of a sweetheart, in the real people would the use the hell outta him.

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