the comedy and suicide inducing chapters are the best in chainsaw man, honestly i was chuckling every time they did the family dance and there was an extra corpse. and kobeni's vam vurgur and pola pola i can't believe i'm laughing as if makima didn't JUST FUCKING DIE LIKE A MCDONALDS EMPLOYEE WITHOUT PAYING FOR ALL HER WARCRIMES.
@dsid2814 ah i guess my comment was a bit unclear, i never said he would kill her, when i said i felt bad for her i meant that like she has to deal with those coworkers and has to be the one bringing out the food lol, and denji was killing her asshole coworkers, if that makes sense sorry lol. also i don't think i'm speed reading i know she said save me
@dsid2814 maybe ur speed reading his comment? Lol also, remember what makima said. Even the one who cry for help often killed by chainsaw man. So... I hope she's ok tho i really do. Cant realy stand seeing girl characters getting killed