Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
I just wanna see him walk in on them making out and you could just see the moment his soul is crushed

@nonameanonymous82435 I don't see anything wrong with this. Yeah there's a twice her age age gap but age ultimately doesn't matter in the long run. If she's a single mother then go for it. It being gay doesn't make it wrong either. The milf could be bi or one of those people who married and had kids cuz they thought that it was necessary since it's what society expects from them, but doesn't actually want to be in a heteronormative relationship. Like the mc from Run Away with me Girl. If she's actually married the mc won't ntr her from her husband, she'll probably give up and have her heart broke. Don't go trying to paint her as villain.
Apr 1, 2020
I don't see anything wrong with this
"inb4 self-insert preserve ego insecure lesbian squad"
Just wanted to say thank you. Keep reading.

It being gay doesn't make it wrong either
Know what, screw that assuming intent telepathy. Between us two here you're the only suggesting such idea, so shame on you for thinking that being gay is wrong.

The milf could be bi or one of those people who married and had kids cuz they thought that it was necessary since it's what society expects from them
"mUh SoCiEtAl PrESsUre"

It's always the same tune with you guys: "circumstances beyond my control forced into stuff" apologetias.


It's also perfectly feasible (and statistically far far more likely) that the "milf" is a straight woman who'd be disgusted by the fact that some "floozy" is tricking her progeny just to get close to her, presumably (again, it's a numbers game) a person who's in a relationship.

Point is, there's nothing to suggest one or the other here, but you (the intended audience) always assume line of thinking that is most convenient and least ethically challenging from personal point of view, even though it's also less likely to be accurate.

(but only when you don't have some tribal signalling to do)

Don't go trying to paint her as villain.
"inb4 self-insert preserve ego insecure lesbian squad"
there's only one self-insert chara here
Why not? She's totally using that boy and she knows what she's doing. Additionally she has no regard for the fact that the woman could be married, straight, in a relationship or even what mere approaching the mother of her "friend"* and eventual home-wrecking could to his psychological well-being. It ca put a person's whole self-schema into question.

*not really, but at the very least a person who's been nothing portrayed as nothing else but kind to her)

Given the above my earlier post is an objective evaluation of her character (sans the boldended part, which is admittedly subjective)

Fairly disgusting exploitative narcissistic machiavellian protag.

I guess we're just operating on different sets of principles.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
@nonameanonymous82435 Are you dyslexic? I said being gay isn't wrong. I'm bi and I've had a boyfriend before. I don't care about gender or sex in a person as long as I find them attractive. Also my comment on societal norms makes sense, especially for Japan. It's not impossible for someone to get married after being pressured by everyone around them (especially their parents) and even go so far as to have a kid, but not actually get along with their husband and eventually get a divorce. She has to use the boy, because that's the only connection she has to her. In fact now that the mother said she can just visit the cafe, she probably won't bother seeking the son out anymore. Sucks to be him but that's just the way it is. You say she has no regard for her being married, but she was shown to be worried about that. She's not a home wrecker she'd probably just be depressed and get over her crush if the woman is married. She probably won't be married so the story can continue. And I haven't seen anything that makes her feel narcissistic. I'm not saying the woman isn't straight, I just don't think the mangaka would have made her just straight unless this is set up for a bad end.
Jul 7, 2020
@CSmith327 I feel you, chief. I had mister brains-dead screeching yell at me too. they don't read anything and it's best to either 1, you with them for your personal amusement, or 2, ignore them.
Apr 1, 2020
Sorry, I don't have time for npc bots. You're exactly what I'd assumed you to be after reading your first response (and hinted at in my second post). We'll just have to agree that we operate according to different moral standards.

Just one thing which I'd found funny:
Are you dyslexic? I said being gay isn't wrong.
Are you psychic? If not, what was even the point of putting it out there? Aside from rallying support through invoking tribal us-vs-them dialectic dichotomy by indirectly suggesting that it's my claim I mean.

edit: holy shit
"The MC is surely not narcissistic as her interest for the mum is not self-serving. She doesn't want the mum to see how great she is, but she seems to be attracted to her normally, and such an interest wouldn't be possible if she was narcissistic."
...what the fuck is does it even mean? Are you feeling well?
He is just throwing medical conditions at random as if they were generic insults.
Sorry, which ones are "medical"?

Lmao, you again. Learned to argue yet?
Aug 20, 2020
He is just a troll. The MC is surely not narcissistic as her interest for the mum is not self-serving. She doesn't want the mum to see how great she is, but she seems to be attracted to her normally, and such an interest wouldn't be possible if she was narcissistic. He is just throwing medical conditions at random as if they were generic insults.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
@Aulgh Yeah I get ya, it's fun to see people both wrong about the manga, while also making themselves look like a jackass. I just try to correct them for the benefit or other readers. I don't want anybody getting a negative impression of a rather good manga by reading into a comment by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about while assuming they're 100% correct
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
@nonameanonymous82435 I said the thing about dyslexia cuz you were shaming me for being homophobic when I'm clearly not. What's with your shit about squads? We're just people trying to enjoy this manga that you're shitting on. There's no conspiracy here
Apr 1, 2020
it's fun to see people both wrong about the manga
It is! even more so when they're so narcissistic that they can't recognize that they're wrong.
I just try to correct them for the benefit or other readers.
Nah, you're just doing it because you're insecure and can't deal with the fact that your in-story vehicle isn't perfect paragon of moral virtue. Identity group interest above all else and all that good stuff.
reading into a comment by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about while assuming they're 100% correct
Lmao, keep writing. You're making my case for me.

you were shaming me for being homophobic when I'm clearly not
Aw, trying to establish the victimhood achievemnt so early. No hun, it's you who were trying to indirectly implicate me into "being gay is wrong" position by putting it out there, when there'd clearly been nothing in my first post to even hint at such idea.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
@nonameanonymous82435 I'd rather do like @Aulgh said and ignore you. I have better things to do today that hear out you're retarded opinion. I just figured from your insecure lesbian squad comment that you weren't too keen on anything lesbian. Don't read things about lesbians if you don't like other people that read stuff about lesbians
Apr 1, 2020
I have better things to do today that hear out you're retarded opinion
Nah, you just can't argue your position and have extremely low ethical standards when evaluating someone's behavior:
I just wanna see him walk in on them making out and you could just see the moment his soul is crushed

Also, you clearly don't have "better things to do" since even with my "inb4" disclaimer you've been triggered enough to react and try to salvage your ego.

It's just very unfunny how your solipsistic egotism prevents you from "being right" about the protagonist (not "the manga"):

it's fun to see people both wrong about the manga

Never said anything about "the manga" as a whole. Maybe it's just your psychic abilities acting out again.

As such:
Fairly disgusting exploitative narcissistic machiavellian protag.

Still stands.

*undelined - objective
boldened - subjective

Also this edited part:
I just figured from your insecure lesbian squad comment that you weren't too keen on anything lesbian
Screw you. Again trying to paint me as "homophobic" through assuming intent, just because I have disdain for the audience's** overall cognitive dissonance and brain atrophy (among other things).

**may be a shock to you, but according to many different surveys yuri is mostly read by women, presumably interested in other women*** - male participation rate in consumption of such materials rarely exceeds 30% and mostly settles around 15-25% figure. ever heard of generalizations?

***who knows though - according to pornhub, the most watched by females users category (regardless of proclaimed orientation) is "lesbian"
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Ignore the annoying troll and just enjoy the manga for its comedy, it's pretty refreshing to see a female mc in such a setting...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2020
@chizan agreed, I love how it's

a) a female protagonist
b) a mom x highschool girl setting that's NOT incest
c) how she just earnestly falling for the mom. she wants to get to know her and visit her, but she's scared to just show up for no reason and she gets super happy when the mom invites her to stop by anytime. our MC is also scared to once again end up with an unrequited love: is the mom married? would she even be interested in a new relationship if she wasn't? would she be interested in women if she was ready for a new relationship?
Apr 1, 2020
Just to remind people reading the mango who may possess actually functioning brains:

this whole thing started with me evaluating protagonist's character and making a case for it when prompted by putting that opinion in context of what mc actions are:
Why not? She's totally using that boy and she knows what she's doing. Additionally she has no regard for the fact that the woman could be married, straight, in a relationship or even what mere approaching the mother of her [supposed] "friend" and eventual home-wrecking could do to his psychological well-being. It can put person's whole self-schema into question.
,which then has been proceeded by attacks from insecure trolls trying to work their usual unsubstantiated ad hominem charassassination argument dismissal magic.
Jul 7, 2020
@nonameanonymous82435 i see you haven't changed, my good man.
@CSmith327 yeah, good idea.I
@nonameanonymous82435 here's a helpful too concerning the nature of statistics, you actually have to cite them to provide due credit and give your statement credibility. Another tip, using extreme language and constantly using mental illnesses and/or serious brain damage as an insult to prove your point makes your argument sound like a rant.
Apr 1, 2020
Hahaha, you again. Learned to think critically or at least put your spewed dumb self-contradictory points in different paragraphs yet? Jk, jk, I know you're still at it.

"Dear [pretentious] person".
Jul 7, 2020
@nonameanonymous82435 yes it's me. I'm also typing from my phone and due to a condition called piano fingers , my fingers are too thick to properly type on a such a tiny keyboard.
I'm also just trying to be a friend, hence the helpful argument tips. Check them out.

Q uestion: why are you always do angry? As an American, I frequently see pointless anger, but this is (borderline) unprecedented and pretty much unprovoked. If you have certain mental health issues, I recommend the following therapy: https://www.reddit.com/r/cursedimages/
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
@nonameanonymous82435 I just don't see where you get that she doesn't care if the mom is married or not, she was shown worrying that the mom might be married and was afraid that her love might end up unrequited like her previous crushes. She's not forcefully trying to insert herself into the woman's life. So when you say she has no regard of if the woman is married or not you're completely wrong. It's like you're filtering out those panels while you read. And using the boy to get closer to his mother is not narcissistic. Do you even know what being a narcissist means? Yes it's selfish but it's not a sign of a narcissistic personality. She's not intentionally trying to fool the guy into thinking she likes him, he's doing that on his own. Manga like this is character driven and the protagonist and characters make up the manga, so when I'm talking about the protag I'm talking about the whole manga pretty much. There's no other elements or settings to discuss, the amount of pages are short and there's not really any world building going on. You're complaining about a character who has nothing wrong going on about her. She genuinely has a crush on an older woman and wants to get closer her to her while being cautious about how close she can get. Now that she has been invited to the cafe, we'll probably see less of the son or at least she won't be using him as a proxy cuz she doesn't need him to see the mom anymore. You're just probably letting your anti ntr filter judge your enjoyment of the manga or something since you're so against her pursuing a woman who might be married. I'd bet money that she's a single mom. The girl stayed at his house til almost 8 or later and there was no dad to be seen nor mention of when or if he would be home. I hope you try to get your shit together and are able to enjoy the next couple chapters, because all your complaints are just unfounded.
Apr 1, 2020
Do you perhaps have certain "mental issues" yourself?

I see you zoning and being insistent on using this terminology even when there's been none of such indicating any of those things on my part so far. If I was charitable then maybe I'd have considered the word "narcissistic" to belong in this category, but given that semantically it's located solid length away from the contexts of "mental illnesses and/or [having] serious brain damage", I'm much more inclined to entertaining the possibility of you being clueless about vernacular of your choice. Not for the first time mind you.

Or, to continue the first hypothesis: maybe, and it's only an idea, you're just like the previous person and are looking out for your own collective group interest by being overly sensitive about (incorrectly) assumed slight on behalf of psychologically/mentally/neurologically unwell?

Also, since you've been such a good, polite, and tolly not passive aggressive chap so far, here's some friendly advice from me, returning kindness: go away, permanently.


Seriously though, I really regret not blocking you last time.

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