Hey guys, it's me Barak.
Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter, rather than hate it
Please, don't through any hate/malice towards my group or me. I'll really appreciate if you guys would read it and enjoy the high-quality release, which was brought to you for free after 5 hours of torture hard work.
Dude, as a guy who actually works hours to translate this series into another language, just stop. I hate drama so it's annoying doing this, but...
You're literally stealing Tappytoon's translation and raws and reposting them with different fonts. First you were doing it with Jaimini's translations, now with the official tappytoon ones.
Stop pretending you're translating this series. Stop pretending you're working 5 to 7 hours on these chapters for patreon or donations money.
First of all, it's dishonest pretending you're doing everything yourself and credit yourself for things done by others, like translation, redraws, raw. These all come from the official translation.
Secondly, it's against the rules of mangadex itself:
2.3.1: Using the translated script of an official release as the basis of a scanlation is allowed only if the script has been re-translated into a different language.
Also, it's a pathetic job, deleting the english text in the official release and rewriting it, what's the point? You say you're a fan of the series, but instead of telling people to support the official translation you steal, you repost it here with different fonts and try to make profit out of it with patreon and donations. That's scummy.
Here I'll post some pics to prove how you're just stealing the translations, I hope people and moderators will see these to understand how ridiculous your "work" is:
This is the start of this chapter, a comparison with the official release:
Let's scroll some more, you can see the SFXs are stolen from the Tappytoon version too:
This is a proof of you using the tappytoon version as basis for your scans instead of the raws, the tappytoon version added this red effect on the speech bubble that wasn't on the raw, but we can find it again in "your" version:
Anyone can compare the tappytoon release and this chapter and notice how it's literally the same except for some really minor shit like 1 word in a couple of speech bubbles, probably done to pretend you actually translated it.
Anyway I'll tag a couple of mods here:
@lymus @zephyrus and see what the think of this, since it clearly breaks the rule 2.3.1:
"Using the translated script of an official release as the basis of a scanlation is allowed only if the script has been re-translated into a different language."