Mar 29, 2020
Soooo.. Again, whats the point of releasing a chapter when someone already translated it? You cant pull the "haha sorry i didnt see" card 3 times in a row..
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
@LTVisha Its within a couple hours apart this time. It likely takes more time to translate + clean a chapter than that.

Multiple groups can work on a series too; scanlations of a chapter in a certain language aren't a mutually exclusive thing.

Translations vary wildly in quality and, usually, specific interpretation. Some translations might be boring and translate the original text very literally. Some translations might take some liberties with translations and try to adapt various sayings to the intended language. Some translations can be an outright joke translation.

Regardless, there is no problem with multiple people/groups sharing their work.

You can see the differences between this and the other group for this chapter (though this one should be chapter 12 apparently, if the other group is correct).

Look at the groups' upload histories too. anejlek here has a longer history for this series + spinoffs. The other group (/person) has more recent contributions. Each do work on specific manga that otherwise have no other contributors for their language.

Also, consider it as insurance in case the other group decides to get emotional (/greedy) and remove all their scanslations from Mangadex.

Not at all saying it will happen for either of these groups, but it has happened a solid number of times from larger groups.

Finally, relax. It's great you have a bunch of time to comment first about your personal preferences, but you also can do things like block the group if it really does bother you. Not an ideal solution I admit, but options do exist to tailor things to your preference more.

On topic, thanks for the scans. However, based on the other scan group... this one is chapter 12?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Huh, this is in Chapter 12 in the other group. It's a weird feeling.

Welp, thanks for the translation anyways!
Mar 29, 2020
@Freezee aneljek has a history of being an asshole and sniping releases. Plus he dropped this series months ago and somehow right when someone starts uploading their own translation he becomes active again.

Also, dont worry Seeker wont disappear. He picked this and tensura nikki up exactly because aneljek dropped it and he wont disappear.

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