Jan 20, 2018
The white ship is the Coast Gard vessel, not the pride of the Navy. And they just demonstrated firepower that the locals found amazing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I still wonder what happen to all those foreigners in Japan.

There should be a bunch of foreign embassies with their respected employees from foreign nation on top of the US base in Japan and millions of tourist inside the nation
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@razxiko I guess their dead then best to stay here considering Japan will be blamed for it unless it’s one of those time did not change when they returned thing.
Fed-Kun's army
May 9, 2019
@greatninja3 probably they will get transfered back to their countries. Even if they return & they are dead, how could Japan be blamed. It's not they invented a machine to go there
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@razxiko for starters Japan won’t be there to represent their trial. All the world knows are a million dead and no Japanese died there has to be someone to blame here obviously.

But yeah the god probably did some stuff to those guys true the sun god likes Japanese but he/she didn’t like them enough to support their ww2 efforts
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020

[PS-03 Inasa doesn't have CIWS but the gun that shot down those wyverns are the 20mm machinegun of the Inasa and the naval gun of the Myokou/spoiler]
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
@gregger @SleepyCat ohoho
You're in for a treat, if we reach that point in the web novel where Japan actually fights a WW2 level country also transported from another world. They have a Yamato class equivalent and is the flagship of their empire. The story really get's nicer once they introduce the developed civs aside from currently just Palpadia.

Wyvern: "Lobs fireball"
Japan: So you've chosen death

Also really neat tidbit where dragons can actually see Radar, though from the looks of it Dragons are rare and are sentient compared to mere wyverns. Though they're gonna see a massacre after this from the ship's defense system lol.

@ElZavier I really wished they followed the novel's art though. I really like how it looked, though I guess this one also has it's charm but does feel a bit more light hearted.
Art from the Sword king
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Currently in Japan, right now, there's over 54,000 military personnel with about 45,000 family members and about 8,000 Departmen of Defense employees that are civilians and/or contractors (and, uh, a classified amount working with the NSA and/or NRO at and around Misawa AFB). What the fuck happened to them? Clearly, foreigners in all those dozens (hundreds?) of embassies came along with Japan.

There's like 3 divisions worth of American military personnel, WITH EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES, at Japan. Uh, that's nothing to scoff at. It's the size of the JSDF Reserves. And it's foreign military and diplomatic services. On Japanese soil. And, realistically, they are more capable and equipped for force projection and offensive warfare than Japan is despite being smaller in number because of Article 9 of their Constitution. America can field whatever weapon systems that they wish. And, at some point and perhaps still do, had nuclear weapons on Japanese soil or in Japanese ports (and, yes, the Japanese knew and allowed it... and when it got leaked that it was happening they were very pissed. That the information got out, anyways.). I mean... the Japanese struggle with using some offensive weapons like TLAMs and whatnot due to their range with most of Japanese long range weaponry being strictly anti-shipping missiles. Americans have that equipment (initially, it will have to somehow be replaced) and can field it. Japan... can't. Not for lack of will or trying, they simply don't have them in inventory like the U.S. does.

Elves are for making sex slaves, not killing.
Well... You do have a point. You can kill the men. Not sure eating their dainty little bones would be fulfilling or appetizing, however.
Nov 8, 2019
So, you know to line-break as "embas-sies" but fail with "amba-ssadors"?? Can your TS and PR kindly fucking make up their minds kudasai?? That'd be colossally swell.

> to it's former glory
> it's

Nevermind, guess they can't.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 22, 2018
Is it just me, that when I see the skull cup the demon lord is holding, I wonder how the stuff inside doesn't dribble out the eye holes.

Really, skulls make for terrible cups.
Jun 8, 2019
Well, the author ( again ... sigh ) shows he knows nothing about international law ( like most mangakas , TBH ). Embassies are territory of the country using them, period ... and no ambassador can alienate their country's territory unless they have a plenipotenciary letter from their government, that, due to the ease of communications since telegraph and radio were invented, pretty much does not exist nowadays, or explicit orders from their home country, something that is obviously not happening here.

That's not true. Look at the closing of the Chinese embassy in Houston earlier this year as an example. Embassies are given special legal considerations by their host nations, but the embassy and the land belong to the host nation, even according to the US:

https : // www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-no-us-embassies-arent-considered-us-territory/507-59986c66-c52e-452a-9002-562116b540bf

It makes sense that embassies would close and revert back to their host nation. The funds to operate an embassy is pretty staggering. Without funding nor contact with the home nation, they can't operate nor do they have a reason to continue operating. The embassies of wealthier nations might have some sort of contingency to continue running, but most would close down, or maybe relocate to much more modest office spaces, assuming they have citizens in Japan who are trapped and require help getting their papers in order to assimilate into the Japanese populace.
Jun 8, 2019
Law depends on there being an enforcement mechanism. With all earth governments no longer existing the idea that they "can't" do something because of international law is just sophistry.
I don't think other countries with any diplomatic power are going to peruse grievance for their ambassadors selling the embassies after being summoned to another world. Exigent circumstances and all.

Depends on the laws. Internal Japanese laws or external treaties with foreign governing bodies to obey international laws? If it's the former, they'll abide by their own laws as applicable to them. If the latter, they no longer apply as the nations of the new world they find themselves in are not signatories to any treaties. It's why they are trying to open diplomatic relations with them, to create new rules and treaties. As it is, I think the Japanese will extend the courtesy of it's own laws to those within their EEZ and abide by any treaties they make with anyone outside of it. With the cost of warfare as high as it is now, and resources constrained, it's a lot cheaper and less wasteful to come to an agreement with another national power than to wage a war.

Let's flip this: Do you think the US government would conveniently forget it's own internal laws (Constitution?) if it suddenly found itself isekai'd? Will Congress and the Senate stop meeting to make new laws? Will the president ignore Congress and the Senate and become a warlord? Will the rank and file follow illegal orders? Will existing laws concerning internal governance stop being followed? Will the court system stop functioning?
Jun 29, 2019
Those are DD ~desu. They go zoom zoom ~desu. It's hard to hit them with a flying lizard ~desu


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