God this fucking story is so inconsitent. They fucking spend half of every chapter making new rules and explanations and then in a few chapters later they contrdict what they "explained" before. Like, how does this blonde mothefucker for example, know anything about supporters and Undergound players, both of those concepts are basically unknown to anybody other than Ah-Rin and MC.
This would be so much better if this spent less time establishing a million soft rules and insted have one solid explanation of the system. The money and gems are all over the place, he's cleared so many dungeons by now and yet he still only has 3 items? Aditionally the red altar machinc that was introduced for strengheting items seems to be forgotten. He said he's saving up gems to improve the resting area but so far we've seen none of it. The whole thing is such a mess. This is what heppens when you don't think through a system and just establish random, arbitrary rules every chapter.