wait...who the fuck is whining about your translations?!, u r good, like my dude fucking LHTranslations have at least a repeating panel per release, whole groups are worst than u my dude, fuck me.... dont listen to them man, just do ur thing
@welcome2atlantis The way I intepret page 16, he was beating her up with his bare fists. I guess that is something special in a world where everyone uses magic for attack.
Hmm....if you use defensive magic to say slam into the enemy I think it can become a physical offensive attack.
That or you block all their magic while you kick their ass physically....the few panels of training with the Great Loli Baba seemed to be all physical training.
@Hollow7F : entitled trolls love to complain about any mistake they perceive. That and the number of times I have seen someone complain that the text is unreadable when I could trivially parse and understand it is not funny.
@sjmcc13 honestly ppl sure like to bitch about free stuff, on the other hand that one of the benefits of not being an english native speaker, i can understand clumsy translations, my brain just reads it and goes : Yep! thats looks fine to me!