Nov 20, 2018
If next chapter is the last one, I'll be kinda sad, I feel like this manga could be so much better. Not saying it's bad, just that it could be much better. As of right now, I feel like it's like if you made huge cut in demon slayer's story
Active member
Sep 21, 2018
If chainsaw man erases whatever the demon represents from existence and memory when he eats them...wtf is gonna happen when control is erased from the world? That is kinda a foundation of reality, ya know?
Nov 20, 2018
@Turkeyjerkey I'm not comparing the content of the two of them at all. What I meant is that I feel like the story of chainsaw man feels kinda chopped off, and it could (insisting on the could. Not saying it should) be 3 times better if the author took more time to develop a bit more the story and the character in general.

Then (here comes demon slayer) it would be like if demon slayer had a chopped of story. Like the author only jumps to fights. Or like
only shows the moment where the rock is cut in half with close to no backstory with the masked children
(it's the first example that came out of my mind, could have chose a different one), would still be great, but not as good as it is right now.

I would have loved a bit more development during their training, or against the bomb devil, or even in the hotel, or even the characters in general, learn just a bit more about them.

And I feel like the gun devil was just a breeze. It did say that it was a weapon used by country, but the fight seemed like "ok here's the gun devil we talked about, now that we showed it to you, there is no point in giving him more show time"

Edit : also for some reason, I feel like I need to precise that saying that something wouldn't be as good as it is right now doesn't mean that it is perfect right now (although demon slayer is a great manga)
May 29, 2019
Wait for a second, brainstorming right now, he has the blood devil's powers, so will this mean he'll also have the control devil powers too?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I enjoy this author's work, but yes, one of the things they seem to struggle with is proper buildup. A lot of emphasis is placed on having "oh shit" moments and unexpected narrative turns, to the point where it sometimes seems to cut right to them. More development and buildup would be nice. In an ideal world you could have both, but it's sort of a tradeoff for having a more "surprising" story. This author's work often feels rushed, but never drags.

Tbh, I'd take it over Demon Slayer any day. Demon Slayer is a very competent story, but also very safe. To the point where I found it too dull to read. I probably would have enjoyed it in the past, but now nothing in it is remotely surprising to me. I can already see how every single event will play out from the start because it's standard shounen through and through. It's well told for what it is, but has zero ambition from a narrative standpoint.

Chainsaw man is far from my favorite manga ever, but these days I'd take something ambitious and flawed over something solid, but safe. I guess I've just gotten to the point in my course as a manga reader where I'd rather see author's setting themselves on fire and shooting for the stars than just competently rewriting the same tired stories over and over.

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