@bitchimblack I thought you were DMing me so it'd be between us, but since you're bringing it up here, lemme give you my 2cent...
I TRIED to be incredibly polite to you, even offering to hire you as a JTL so you don't have to scanlate and ask for donation. Probably you thought I was rude when I said we wanted to at least bring readers something readable... because you clearly didn't give enough love to this series alone to even justify rushed translation (Seriously, you could easily read earlier chapters and get the names, but nope, just rush out TL and ask "what is this character's name again?"). ALSO regarding MD's rules, I'll just politely inform you that troll releases aren't allowed, so please, stick to TLing the raw and not inserting your own memes, because that's against the rules.
Don't get me wrong, I AM an rookie TL myself, and I get stuff sniped all the time. Point is, if you want to make faster releases, at least give the translation some care and love, not that "oh I'll just fast-TL and release, no need to care about quality, moving on". That's just not nice.
@evilgrin Yes we're slow. Because guess what, everyone has a life. Aify is translating in his free time while working full-time, Ash is dealing with exam and proofread the TL during weekends and that's it. There's nothing I could do about that because no one's volunteering to help, I can only rely on what my staff could offer.