Active member
Sep 24, 2018
idk how people can support this kind of behavior , it just demotivate the previous group when they were pretty consistent on the updates with quality translation ,it becomes races to the top to see who release the fastest ,translations become trash and sometimes the good quality translators just quit.
the only time i encourage sniping is when the group is slow to update when raws are currently available , they're behind a paywall or not available on mangadex like "TODG" previously
Jan 13, 2019
No one forces anyone to race, it's their own choice if they choose to do so. Why would you care about anyone else releasing the translation before or after you? Just do your thing at your own pace with your own schedule, the rest doesn't matter...
Certainly you can't say someone is forcing you to release quicker, can you?
Dec 3, 2018
@SBKch You know, there is this one big problem... Zero Scans got a contract with the author of the series for the rights to translate it legally. So, what your dear "Mango Translation's" are doing is illegal. + You're lucky that Klorius and Asch won't probably give a damn about these comments or the snipe, but normally sniping demotivates the quality scanlators if there was even a slight feeling of lack of motivation.
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
@SBKch Zero are actually the official translators for this comic. The translation you see from Zero is the same thing you'll see on Mangatoon which pays the author for the license to translate the series. So while I agree with normal fan scanslations, I don't really see a need to snipe an official version that is being provided for free on this site as well with full archives. You can't even use the Jump excuse of "well they only give up certain chapters for free" or "I don't like that they call Zoro Zolo and psuedo-translate onomatopoeia like Gomu Gomu, so i'm going for the fan version". You can't even use the "Well the official translation is like 100 chapters behind the fan translation" excuse.

This translation is pure garbage, inferior in every way to the freely provided official scan and frankly pointless when you consider how consistent Zero has been.

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