Active member
Dec 11, 2020
@qazedctgb @bnyahav
Shit, that's fucked up. One thing I dislike about the yuri world is how people tend to turn a blind eye for things that in a straight manga/relationship many would condemn. There's plenty of forceful physical contact, pedophilia, incest. The latter is not wrong since they're not making babies, though I'm not a fan.
Oct 13, 2020
If mai bows to renako's wishes, renako herself will never find out about her own feelings. Hell, she even admitted her mind
going blank while mai kissed her
so yes a bit of forceful romance is necessary to deal with your stuborn gf.
Active member
Mar 21, 2019

I too dislike the double standards in manga in general

Girl x girl on any situation = "cute"
One x shota = "cute"

I mean if the other way around is not cool why would this be?

Didn't like the way she forced herself on the other girl at all

If this was a boy x girl situation people would be reeeeing asking where the sexual violence tag was
Active member
Apr 25, 2019
@Toritori1 same, I really dislike that. I dont like excuses like "they're both girls" or "she liked it so it's fine" because at the end of the day it isnt a fair relationship. Even if Renako doesn't want to do something she doesn't have the physical power to stop Mai, so her only choice is to slowly just accept that they will happen no matter what and develop feelings from them. I don't like that relationahip, but at the end of the day it's fiction, people are free to enjoy it and more power to them if they can ig
Active member
Dec 11, 2020
@bnyahav yep. There's no saying "oh, but she liked it". She could have not liked it. And the fact that she's not even realized her sexuality is aggravating. Each person has their own timing to find out about themselves. And what if first kiss was a very important thing for her and she hated it?
Anyway, as you said it, it's fiction. Just because I like to kill people in games, it doesn't mean I'm gonna kill someone in RL. So as long as people who enjoy this kind of manga knows better in RL, I guess it's fine.
Oct 13, 2020
People keep pushing their own personal feelings and opinions instead of reading the manga and see through the characters. My god, go back to tumblr if you wanna politicize manga.
Oct 13, 2020
I find it ironic how if it was some mainstream het couple people would be "oh i wish i was x or y" but since its yuri people are like "b-but muh double standards!" pls you guys are acting as if mai tied her up and used her as a tissue paper. Renako already showed us she's able to slap the shit outta mai, then if this was so horrible then why didn't she? Judging by you lot, y'all probably say mai holds some kind of "power" over her. STOP POLITICIZING MANGA
Active member
Apr 25, 2019
No one's politicizing anything, just sharing my opinion, and if anything I started out by saying that I think the manga handled this better than the LN. Yuri, Yaoi, or Het, I wouldn't have liked the way a character in Mai's position acts. You're allowed to enjoy the story and I won't judge you for it, but I'm also allowed to have my own opinion on it.
I can only hope the manga keeps Mai toned down, it's already doing great by not reminded us with every other line that she's a perfect being like the LN does
Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2019
I've totally forgotten about this chapter :/// my memory ain't working so well I guess. Might have also been the fact that i have a shit ton of mangas thar i read daily everyday

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