Apr 23, 2020
Ah I love this! It's an open ending, but we can already sees where it goes.

... but I really want more though haha. Cause they're cute.
Jun 12, 2020
I don't really like open endings because of the fact that I'm a pessimistic person by nature but this story gets a pass. Although it seems fast paced it does still execute well enough to give me hope that it does have a happy outcome. The realization and the moment they meet eyes would certainly lead to a few awkward moments but I have hope that they will certainly talk it out. Thank You Author! I hope for more stories like this preferably with a clear ending but I'll take what I can get. Will give them a follow on Weibo as soon as I figure out how to use it. Love from an anon of the internet
Jun 12, 2020
@araria The girl figures out that other girl does indeed like her and then the other girl walks in.... The ending is an open ending so there's a chance that either she freaks out and denies or just confess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Group Leader
Nov 3, 2019
Here is a comment from the author after reading all of yours: "I am the author,I am so sorry that lots of people don't like the open ending,while I thought it was kind of beautiful,maybe I am not the majority.
It's almost the first short story I try to make,maybe it's not perfect,and I'm not talented enough,but I have tried my best.It takes me 10+days to finish it,with no pay,total free to read,this short story is like an experiment,just a little practice.I think if I have time ,I can draw something to continue .
thanks to translation and people who like this story, have raised me up ."
Aug 5, 2020
Beautiful ending! Thank you author so much! I really love this little gem of a story!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

The popular girl was never re-gifting chocolates that she'd received to the other girl. Each Valentine's Day, the popular girl would make chocolates for the other girl, as part of an expression of romantic love; but, each Valentine's Day, the popular girl would lose her courage at the last minute, and claim that the chocolates that she was giving were re-gifted. Never suspecting how the popular girl felt, the other girl was trying to screen potential suitors for the popular girl. Finally, the popular girl confessed how she felt.

As you can see, the basic story could have been delivered very effectively, and the first chapter was fine. But then everything was wrapped-up in a second chapter so awkwardly that some people couldn't even follow what had happened.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 3, 2018

Of course the author themselves thinks it's beautiful/good, admitting it was garbage would be admitting they wasted all that unpaid time drawing it. The first chapter was fine and felt like it was setting up for more chapters then the 2nd chapter happened and you're left wondering what the fuck just happened.

That's why it'd have been better to be a shorter and COMPLETE one shot. This isn't complete or 'open ended beauty', this is a "I don't know where to go from here so have a braindead ending". There's about a thousand other author/artists drawing through hard work and no pay on the dime a dozen webtoon sites, this person isn't unique and they certainly didn't do good with this story. It's a below average story when the bar is already so low for yuri work, like 95% of yuri here is instantly forgettable.
Active member
Jun 8, 2020
@Oeconomist hmmm thanks a lot for that explanation, looks like I finally get the gist now...brain kinda functioned in a weird way lately haha

Ah and as for the author, Times and passion gonna do it's job at nourishing your skills, so be patient and keep evolving to be better!!

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