Ended try hard machine man-san like it was nothing I love it here.
him still being a Virgin after flaunting all those women in front of kikka is hilarious but also what was the point then.
Right like how do you think you're the best for someone and you aren't even sure what they want out of life, what a cocky ass? All these master plans but you couldn't even talk to her for years.
It's a flashback of when Mashimo and Kikka were around 22 years old - Kikka had collapsed outside when as she was struggling with her parents' deaths and with finding work. However, the way the panels are set on the page makes it look like Mashimo went for a run after speaking with his dad.
It's a flashback of when Mashimo and Kikka were around 22 years old - Kikka had collapsed outside when as she was struggling with her parents' deaths and with finding work. However, the way the panels are set on the page makes it look like Mashimo went for a run after speaking with his dad.