Aaaahhhhh does Gubong have feelings for her or not?! 😱 maybe he just wants to be friends and it's onesided for our girl 😥 I just checked to see if we're close to the end and there's over 150 chapters total omg!
Thank you Purple Light 😊😊
Aaaahhhhh does Gubong have feelings for her or not?! maybe he just wants to be friends and it's onesided for our girl 😥 I just checked to see if we're close to the end and there's over 150 chapters total omg!
150 chapters and no end to it in sight. Frankly, with each new Korean chapter (153 as of today), I get more and more annoyed with the author. What was once a very sweet, light and fluffy story about two very shy teenagers has devolved into the oh-so-typical clichéd, drama-laden story that just isn't fun to read anymore.