Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018

I am cool with you saying that I don't actually read any novels or anything when it comes to the mangas I read because I feel that might detract from the experience so when someone says oh Character Z dies because so and so I honestly just forget about it because you never know where a medium will change down the line so yeah also this site's system for giving help like spoiler tag and otherwise are not as obvious as they should be or helpful what with the erase everything you already wrote when you use them also I was only telling captian_crunch where the spoiler comment was so they could read everything in the comment thread honestly it is funny to read conversations sometimes.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
and now after he saved her father princess-cunt is going to be head-over-heels in love again with the MC. 10/10 content that whole fight they had a couple of chapters ago completely neutralized good job author.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
Really wish this ziyun ship sank... Honestly Ning'er is the better pick. >.<
Jun 16, 2018
Honestly i can see this scene a mile away hahahaha but why do feel something hmmmmm
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
If you count the alchemist babe it would be a harem >.<
But author seems to be playing the Love Triangle thing.. >_>
Jun 16, 2018
@relic626 what if mc becomes a demon lord or somewhat evil potting idiot who saves the worlds by deleting all magical beings hahahaha

So in the future magics became a myth
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
@Malaxme he would have to kill people too since they have techniques to pass on.. that would be pretty dark >.<
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
god, how i hate this bitch lmfao, she just threw him out like a dog few chapters before this and now she begging him to save her father which he does apparently, this shit is borderline comedy
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
How many times has she already promised to do anything? Or to consider marrying Nie Li if he reached this or that level? She's seemingly quite a whimsical girl. In the end it's for the same reason Ye Han became rotten: They were both neglected when growing up. Ye Han became a murderous snake, Ziyun has a broken personality as well, but in her case she denies her own character and her own benefit, her own desires and needs, and only thinks about growing strong enough to be a city lord. So, she doesn't really think of herself as a human, only as a city lord device. This is why she can't behave rationally when dealing with people. Promises, for example, mean nothing for her if they get in the way of being a future city lord.

She should really be taken away from that mansion and made to work with people to heal and rebuild her personality.
Double-page supporter
Feb 20, 2018
The purple hair girl really is worse than the other 3 chicks
Jul 7, 2018
She threw him out not out of pure malice. She did it because she wants Ning'er to be the target of Nie Li's affections, which, in her argument, is still stupid. Nie Lie can't simply change his love to someone else. Ironically, so many people seems to hate on Ziyun when she's the one trying to let Ning'er, your apparent favorite win and be happy! Judging by her past life with Nie Li, it's clear that once she's honest about her affections, she's just as loyal and a great partner to Nie Li. It's just that in this life, things turns out different and instead, she puts all her work on becoming a good future city lord, which is a respectable goal, at the expenses of her true desires. So Nie Lie will need to help her overcome this internal conflict where she can be happy with her desires as well as becoming a great lord for her city as part of her duties, and also be on great terms with Ning'er (which she already is on the path for). Of course, this is completely setting up for a harem end.

Either way, I honestly am a bit surprised at all the hate she gets. I agree currently where they stand, she's not agreeable. However, you have to think of why she behaves the way she did and also the situation that leads it to where they are now.

I agree. She clearly is a good person underneath but circumstances leads her to where she is. If Nie Lie can help her overcome all this and bring out her original personality and her true desires, he will definitely have someone, just like Ning'er, fully have his back at all times. This is also precisely why Nie Lie loves her so much and have so much trusts in her, because he has seen it and experienced it in his previous life.

Honestly, I find it often that in series
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2019
@Azpark and that made my night of binge reading lloll fucking failed like my test results

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