Sep 29, 2018
Not to be rude, but why would you pick up a series that another team is already actively translating and to make matter worse, output a worse quality then they are?
Sep 5, 2018
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
While I appreciate the attempt, I have a few suggestions that may help you in the future.

1. If another group is translating, see if they have dropped the series or if they need help. Sniping is typically considered poor etiquette. However, I openly admit I don't mind sniping of groups who "hoard" series and fall behind by weeks because they took on too much and then complain about being sniped. Which isn't necessarily the case here.

2. I'm not sure if English is your first language, and if it's not, then that's great! It's always amazing to see people enthusiastic about other cultures and who try their best. That being said, until you feel comfortable with the nuance and subtleties of a language you should look for a proofreader and quality control to join you to make sure that you aren't wasting your time translating something that people will denigrate for poor grammar and spelling.

3. If you're going to continue a series that has already been started, be sure to thoroughly read whomever previously scanalated it to become familiar with the terms and names they used; since these will be the what the readers and community are familiar with. That doesn't mean you have to stick to their chosen names/terms, but you can point out in a TL note going forward any changes and the reason for them.

Just a couple small tips that may help in the future. Anyway, thanks for giving it a shot.
As @jinc93 said in his post. Gotta start somewhere.
Oct 21, 2018
welcome guys
1 - English is not my primary language
2 - If you do not like the translation, go and read it in Chinese or you can wait for the original team
3 - I can not translate 5 chapters a day with high quality
Sep 29, 2018
This is very typical for new, starting out groups. They will try to find a popular title or snipe a title that another group is translating to divert traffic towards themselves. Which they will continue this until they manage to establish themselves enough of people who only care for fast, sub-par translations and will either continue sniping and/or get their own titles. The best way to shut this type of behavior down is to not consume their work. This is very evident in his/her attitude by their #2 claim "If you do not like the translation, go and read it in Chinese or you can wait for the original team".

Now with that out of the way, honestly, following what @Happily_Grim said would be your best advice from anyone. I personally don't mind if another groups decides to translate a series that another team is doing, if they were proper notice of it being done beforehand. While this isn't looked nicely upon within the "community", sole ownership within a title always seemed weird to me if the other translator can produce similar quality work with some sort of advantage, in the usual case, faster translations for a dip in quality. The best thing overall would be see if the team needs help with the title or if you can work on any of their other titles, they have quite a few they are currently working on. If they don't need help and you're focused on translating said title, then go ahead, it's a free market to do so.

Now for your third point, no one is asking for five chapters daily of this sub-par quality. Because looking at the speed of the original team, they're producing one chapter every three or so days. It would be in your best interest if you want to get more readers to go down to 1-2 chapters daily of a decent quality translations. Otherwise the efficiency of the work to reader acquisition would be worse.

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