Bout time a guys calls out the female for being illogical. Seriously, he has a point: Why is the guy a pervert despite the female being the one who entered HIS room mostly undressed/skimpily clothed, and climbs into his bed?
Was a good chapter. Sort of reminds you of being young again.
I think it would sincerely help Nie Li if he would explain his feelings thoroughly to Ziyun. It doesn't have to include his previous life necessarily, but should be much more substantial than "Derp I like you!".
Most beautiful girls (as Ziyun is described and shown) get that pretty frequently. Anything you hear so frequently eventually begins to lose impact and almost becomes commonplace. So actually telling her what he likes would help him immensely and also have the added benefit of showing his attentiveness; it would help Ziyun understand his feelings succinctly. Let that be a lesson to you younger dudes as well when trying to talk to girls. You'd be surprised how much further you can get by complimenting a girl on things they pay particularly extra attention to on themselves. -- they'll also appreciate it a ton more than "you're beautiful" or "you have a nice smile".
@mahtan they are around 13 but remember that this is a world where death is constantly present and many die young so they usually get started on things earlier. Also like the MC the author is setting it up for the long term so unlikely to be any further development for a while.