Sep 28, 2018
Just a few seconds for Mikasa to not react, and then we could finally have peace. Or just hurt her a lot, since she's being set up to become an MC.
Jan 30, 2018
I said that I do want to see her redeem herself, so that's one at least.

And as for her being an appalling character because she has plot armor. I don't see it.
She has done some crazy shit in the marleyan army, and always survived... but we were just never shown the other fanatised kids who died trying the same
Aug 31, 2018
Wait..so,Falco is going to turn into a titan IF any wine went down his throat?Gabi isn't a char that can redeem herself,imho.She's pretty vile.No,matter how nice,and welcoming the Braus family was to Gabi,she continuously would keep the same attitude.Falco is also a brainwashed child soldier,but he showed signs of change,and understanding.With Gabi,NOPE,it's constant,"You DEVILS!" or "IT'S YOU DEVILS FAULT!",insults.I'd rather see her suffer than killed off.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
people take Gabi as an adult, mature character so easily... no wonder though since tons of manga write kids and teens like they can decide anything and handle the pressure of going to war and all that. i see her purely as a tragic person. she's SUPER unlikeable and hateable, but that just makes her changing that much more satisfying. and i say this as someone who loves Sasha. she's clearly poured herself fully into the ideology to create a better life for her family, but that ideology is so hateful and based on vague historical "facts" that fail in the face of actual people. Falco is the exception, not Gabi, i think, or maybe more like the other end of the spectrum that existed in their lil' unit. if you've changed and looked back on your past actions, you know the regret and shame that can come with it. now imagine if you used to be someone who would kill based on misinformation. wrow the hurt. but idk. i also have characteristics i cannot stand in characters so i get it.

this chapter was a good pay-off to a bunch of stuff to me. Pixis is awesome which means, i think, he's gonna get titanized by Zeke and die just so the cast are screwed without his shrewd leadership lol
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
First of all, if you're responding to someone, try and have the balls to tag them. Second, that's a really stupid comment. You clearly didn't read what you were responding to, or what I was responding to. Asking a genocidal, murderous brainwashed child soldier to accept that they're wrong is just as fucking ludicrous as asking a narcissistic, delusional, genocidal madman to accept they're wrong. And really? Forced on her? She seems pretty fucking happy with it and is even going for extra points by murdering people trying to save her and trying to murder children. You lost the argument of "it was forced on her" when she started killing people and bragging about it.

Yes, take a general statement as a literal absolute. That's a fantastic move.

What on Earth are you talking about? She's not a bad character because she has plot armor, she's a bad character because of how she's written, as an insane, irredeemable moron. She's more than made her point and magically saving her at every turn because plot is ridiculous and it's hardly enjoyable to watch a lunatic spout their insane dogma and to watch people actually pretend she's actually going to change. If she's going to change, it's because of a contrived plot, not because it actually makes sense and is possible. And no one gives a shit about other insane Marleyan kids because they're not a huge focus of the series and constantly getting saved by nonsensical magic plot.
Jan 30, 2018
I do get how her fanatism is getting on people's nerves (you and others)

But I think that's the whole point, to make it more satisfying when she turns around.
So as long as it comes soon enough (like now when her pal Falco is on the fence), I expect it to end up ok.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Dude, you didn't read what you're responding to. No it won't be satisfying when she turns around. I and many others literally specified why it'd be the exact opposite. It wouldn't make sense. It wouldn't be believable. It wouldn't be desired. It would come off as extremely contrived.

It's called the Willing Suspension of Disbelief. You can ask an audience to believe the impossible, but not the improbable.
Mar 24, 2018
Dude, according to Godwin, you'd already lost. Give it up.

And that "me=everyone" assumption based angry rhetoric is awesome - keep it up in the future. Just one step below what some good folks at Beast Lair are doing, trying to devolve every thread into a waifu war.

I'm deliberately not pinging you.

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