Jan 22, 2018
Is the entire concept of love and changing for your s/o just brainwashing to you or something? Did you miss Rina saying she can only use her brainwashing on him once, which directly implies that he was never previously under the effects of it? You've yet to explain how the writer should have better portrayed their love though. I explained why the structure of the story doesn't allow much of going into detail beyond the obvious ways the author uses, simply regurgitating "there's no depth" is not a counterargument.

Also there's no one singular true way of loving another person or showing your love for them. Love comes in many a shapes and forms. ?
Jul 4, 2018

Except he has nothing left of what he was before. In fact he has nothing left in his life except for her. And despite this they don't seem to talk or share anything. What is explained is that he was sent to kill her, but at first glance he instead "fell in love with her" to the point of doing whatever she says. Love is an emotional connection, which is impossible to achieve at first sight and everything that is ever shown of their relationship is strictly physical.

It is never said that her brainwashing can only be done once, only what she did to him before this fight. Which to me looks like using his focus to break the boundaries and make him solely focused on winning. It is even shown how his body is unable to fully handle it. Everything that has happened to him since he met Rino is explained by her brainwashing him. Breaking his contract on her with just a glance, not killing because she asks him to, being solely focused on her without any other thought.

I don't mind live being a motivation, I do enjoy a good love story. But this is so poorly portrayed here that it just completely turns me off this story line. In fact if for some reason it turns out Rei wasn't brainwashed from the start I will be very disappointed in the author because that makes it all even more stupid.
Double-page supporter
Mar 3, 2018
Such powerful beard, Imagine if he had an afro too, that man would be invincible.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
That's the only thing I have a problem with when it comes 2 him. I can respect the overpowered old man Trope but it's starting to feel like he's a H2H Gary Stu with a perfect counter to everything.
Plus since we don't know what's actually driving him so I have trouble rooting for him or Rei. Saw Pang was a fucking idiot who depended way too much on durability and aggressive offense but at least I can say he had a realistic motivation along with flaws.
Jan 22, 2018
Love at first sight is hardly unheard of though, and it's no less believable than him being able to move as fast as he does or, well, just about anything else that people in this series can do. I've personally known people who love one another despite not really talking much to another or really having shared interests and alike. It doesn't make sense to me personally, but it doesn't have to since it makes sense to them. It's just the magic of love~

So why even bring it up at all then? Why even tell him personally about it if she's the ruthless brainwasher with no love for him that you make her out to be? I think you are reading far too much into the story simply resorting to a very popular trope; the assassin falling in love with his target and choosing to break his code for her sake. It doesn't really have to be deeper than that.

This is hardly anything like my favorite love story ever, hell Rei is probably one of my least favorite characters in the series. But I still think their portrayal of love is fine enough for what it is. I wouldn't be surprised if the extra chapter for this volume is one about the two of them.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
He doesn't have any perfect counter though, it's Fang who does. Like what he said to Rihito before the match, strength came from experience, and by that standard he outclassed every fighters in this tournament.
As for his motivation, isn't fighting strong foe enough? All the guys who had advanced this far don't give a damn about reason and whatnot, except beating the crap out of everyone else to prove themselves the strongest.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018

Fang was getting the shit beaten out of him last round. He isn't perfect in any regard he's just good at copying and adapting.
Beard Badass here just has the perfect answer to every situation and rarely ever takes any significant damage in his fights.

Honestly no not really because at that point you might as well just be Goku if that's your only reason for breathing. That's part of what made the mercenary guy interesting. He had a code and a warrior Spirit but he wasn't mindlessly going after a goal that might kill or cripple him like 90% of these competitors. Beard man isn't a bad character though, he just needs work
Jul 4, 2018
when did I ever question the realism? I'm questioning the way that their relationship is portrayed. where knows nothing but her and her wishes, while she clearly has other goals. Such as entering the tournament and even bringing in extra fighters if he can't do it. But I suppose we just have to wait and see, I would be very surprised if he has not been brainwashed from the start.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
Isn't it more ridiculous if he reacted like some youngsters "holy shit, how to deal with xxxx and yyyy?" then taking 3 more chapters to come up with an solution? Remember, he killed Rei's father, so Raishin style is hardly anything new to him.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
Thats EXACTLY part of why he isn't a shit character. He is an old man who actually uses his experience instead of just being a stepping stone for "The Next Generation". However, we're slowly trending into that territory when writers use a character's best strength and make it seem like it can overcome anything. We haven't gotten there yet thanks to what u just said. The fact he has fought these speed demons before help make it easier for people(me included) to believe, even if Rei probably doesn't fight 100% like his father.
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
@0takuDragonSlayer from my stand point, I'm Asian and doing some martial art myself, it is all about practice and experience. You do not become a master by born talent, you become so through hard work. That is how all martial arts are, not power but will. The will to do the same thing over and over again, to fail and try again. And it is not to become the strongest human alive but to become better than what you were yesterday.
Magnificent beard is the true image of martial artist to me. In reality, there are no young master martial artist, NOT because they cannot (there is always exception case) but because they know that title is for people who spend their life chasing the after the art.
So for me, those young handsome characters being so OP is a little bit unrealistic (fun to read though).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
Really not sure what kinda point u were trying to make here but I guess all I can say is "Duh?"
Both towards your speech and final statement.
I don't think any of the younger fighters were meant to realistic. Even though most if not all of them are adults.
Jan 19, 2018
Hopefully we haven't seen gensai backstory because it will be revealed in the next round !

Praise the BEARD !

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