Dec 21, 2018
@StarixCrown How about learning how scanlation works before you say anything, fuckface? Senryu Shoujo requires extensive cleaning and redraws but I guess your peabrain doesn't understand this. Fuck off freeloader, go back to jerking off to hentai in your sweaty mancave.
May 10, 2018
@nolonar If they have no more interest to translate this project then just let it go , let someone else take over . As you said ,they gain nothing (maybe) by translating this so I would rather have this be dropped and then picked up by someone more interested than have them do it in such a slow manner .
It might come as a surprise to some of you but Im not a troll Im just pissed with how slow this manga is getting translated and people just keep quiet about it . If the group considers translating this a chore than just let someone who is passionate about it take over and think nothing about it.
Active member
Aug 14, 2018
Look at those morons talking about triangle and new girls not being liked as if this is something that is disliked in Japan, which is the main market of those works. lmao
May 10, 2018
@filipesbiggestfan way to go being an aggressive bitch. Cleaning and redrawing argument is fair but still my point stands. Why clog your group with other projects which slows the whole process of scanlating altogether ? Why do you hurry the translation of newer projects and leave the older ones on a once a month schedule when they still have materials?
Dec 11, 2018
while i enjoy this manga because of the cute relationship between nanako and eiji..
I dont really know the 'reason' why the author & team add this new heroine tho..

Except if the ending will be a harem end (which is likely a miracle to be true), sending a new heoine to a "losing battle" is just way too cruel..
Aggregator gang
Apr 21, 2018
I knew something was off when the manga kept adding cute girl after cute girl. It's always the case for manga such as these where they stretch things out by throwing out the occasional new girl for the readers to go crazy over. It's no surprise one of them finally ended up being a love rival. It's just the case with these type of manga, when the author starts to run out of ideas.

Feb 23, 2018
It's only downhill from here. No such thing as a couple getting together and doing cute couple things. Instead, always a love rival destined to lose and ending with a confession.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
Isn't it already way too late into the game to introduce a love rival? I somehow feel bad for her as well because we all know that he already has his crush and that is mutual. Kinda like then the author decided to mention that Kotone-nee might have feelings for Eiji. It's already over and only serve to make them pity them
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
@RedOnYellow I pretty much welcomed the previous characters because none of them were meant to be the love rival (especially not after the ship already sailed). They therefore served to expend the possibilities but not the useless drama. Useless simply because them loving each other is an established fact for pretty much the entire manga. I knew something was up when author-san brought up Koto-nees possible feelings for Eiji
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I would normally agree with you guys but since this is a comedy it makes no difference
the whole focus is not on their romance, it certainly plays a big part but only for the comic relief
it's kinda why soremachi and kawaisou were forgiven for the drag, specially soremachi
kawaisou kicked the bucket on it's extra chapters so hard that now I would agree that they dragged on for too long
I suspect the author to have a grudge with the story, maybe because of getting axed
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@havelmom What I just noticed is that this series (and it's corresponding anime) on myanimelist does not list "romance" as one of the genres (which are Comedy, School, Shounen, Slice of Life). I also realized that this series is following in the footsteps of that Middle School art club-based series (also manga and anime) where the FMC has a crush on the MC who is completely oblivious to her feelings. I suspect, like that series, there will never be any actual mutual romance between the leads until the final chapter, if even then.
Jun 15, 2018
Its kind of interesting that there might be a rivalry between nanako and the new girl
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@StarixCrown I'm one of the two leaders of Meraki Scans. This is one of the times where I can't really blame you for being pissed off. It's one of those where I agree with what's said but fuck you for saying it basically. I'd like to clarify one thing, and that's basically, we don't accept commission, so it's definitely not money related. We currently have Senryu Girl translated until chapter 66, and for a while too. But I'm personally not interested in editing it and I have enough of my projects on my plate. We are redrawing it fully, sound effects and all, which is causing those 8 pages to be more time consuming than Goodbye Isekai Tensei of 40 pages for reference.

To understand how we got ourselves in this situation, you'd first need to understand how Meraki Scans works. We have a lot of translators, but, only 2 active editors (Celes and I). We started releasing Senryu actively again after coming back from 5 months break (during that time only 1 chapter was released, and people were aware that we disbanded but nobody resumed), a redrawer came along, offered her help, she did few chapters, we were happy with her speed and quality, and I finally got free time to pick up what I actually like and enjoy. Then soon after I did, she ended up quitting without a word. Which is not really something uncommon, it happens more than you'd think, which is why we simply hate to rely on editors. But, that left us in a position where I had my hands filled, Celes likewise. I argued we lower the quality on Senryu, stop redrawing sound effects to make it faster, Mitach (dedicated typesetter for Senryu) didn't like the idea, due to the effort put in thus far, and after a while, he managed to find a new redrawer. And here we are. Finally back to some sort of schedule after a few weeks of not releasing.

Now, Ruggia, the translator for this series is a freelance translator, who offers his help to any group willing to edit what he is translating. Meaning, if there is somebody who can dedicate more time to this series than us, we would be happy to put the two of them in touch and it would clear some stress of our backs. I'm personally not invested into this series whatsoever and I only worked on few chapters. Celes is far more invested than I, but she likewise understands that we are not delivering this on optimal pace and if the situation was different, we would have likely announced that we are dropping it, not necessarily so that somebody else might pick it up, but plainly to avoid situations such as this. In either case, we are open to any skilled and fast editors and most importantly reliable, that are willing to help us with Senryu, or even groups that are well established (so that we can be sure that the series wont be in the same boat) that have more time to focus on this series.

All of this said, at the end of the day, I'm of your opinion, which is why I worked my ass off to push Meraki to become what it is. A group releasing multiple series daily. This is one series that we do, that I personally wouldn't mind if it gets sniped because I as a fan would do the same given the power to change the state of the series I follow and like. And this is where you fall short, but I'm sure somebody is as pissed off as you are, who will be a man of action rather than words.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@FredFriendly konobi is worse because it isn't funny at all, her crush is the main avenue for the plot rather than fuel for the comedy (which I don't think it even exists on that series) .
May 10, 2018
@diabolicalhateranonx Look , I am not trying to diminish your work Im just trying to say something many people tought but kept quiet about it.
I have stated previously that I wouldnt lose my time with fan translation if I could understand japanese but here I am. I cant tell you what to do in your free time but if you use it to (for example) to translate that does not mean you are free of any criticism (as many people seem to think) .
I know I may have come as full of myself and ungratefull and I apologise.
I understand your situation and I can only hope that someone sees this and maybe take over with the same passion as you guys had in the beginning
Jan 30, 2018
I just skimmed through the comments and all I have to say is that if you're gonna complain about slow releases then you should do something about it yourself instead of just complaining

thanks for chapter though
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Just ignore the ungrateful bastard and move on... He's not worth your time.
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
@DiabolicalHaterAnonx Thank you to the scans team for doing their best for this manga.

I'm just glad I can continue to read this manga and understand it no matter how long it takes to wait.

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