@Enternal I'm glad that you agree with my prior suggestion that it's "about time they considered sex therapy counseling," but apparently you didn't read that part of my comment. And, of course, I never suggested that they
need cheating in their relationship, but if they are never able to consummate their marriage, and as they are both obviously willing and wanting, there is always the possibility, as improbable as it may be, that one or the other of them ends up cheating. And, frankly, I wouldn't blame the husband. There has got to be a limit to being constantly blue-balled by your beautiful and sexy wife before you lose your mind. Of course, if either of them did cheat, I would still condemn them to hell for all eternity.
@KazumaLee94 Yup, if the genders were reversed, most of us (well, maybe some of us) would be crying foul. What a bastard, using his wife like a prostitute just to get himself off with absolutely not a thought or care whether she felt fulfilled. But, since she's a super cute sexy woman, she gets a free pass to be completely insensitive to her husband's frustration.