What to think? Why? I suppose logical thought process to avoid being killed or violently raped but... I don't know?
What would I do given the circumstances? You couldn't really yell for help big house/far away neighbors. It'd also upset the assailant. So offer everything they could possibly want (such as she did) while making a small demand for personal safety. Reasonable. Even with mobiles & what not you can't psychically call the police. As for after the sex or during; attempt to injure the attacker? What is the result? Best case you kill them, worst they get angry and hurt or kill you. Tricky tricky. Seems dangerous to contact others.
You could just remain distanced (3+ meters) as a precaution but people have created ranged weapons specifically guns. If someone points a gun at you. What do you do? Try to run? Seems life is impossible to have any security or safety anywhere. (Pretty sure gun laws are super strict in Japan but even still with 3D printers these days or even a nail gun, tazer? Hammer? Knife? Lots of things be dangerous humans aren't very tough especially women.)
Guess I'll be a neet until my cultivation reaches imperishable and eternal.