@Med1um Let me just start off with the fact that you're getting angry and spouting ad hominem at me, pointing fingers everywhere, is inane. I'll drop that facade and apologize in advance if some of these words (ad hominem, facade), are too big for your first grade level of comprehension. Now, let's analyze what's wrong with your entire premise; I'll even space my points out so your dyslexic ass can follow along.
First, in your original reply to me, you stated that "he [found issue] with the autor (sic) about [the] inconsistency of information." No, he didn't. It's extremely probable that he either confused Ye Mo with his son, forgot who Ye Mo was (a character who's never debuted), or simply forgot that Ye Mo was legend rank, as it is not something particularly emphasized in the series. To expand on that, his question doesn't suggest that there's an inconsistency; what he stated seemed more like a legitimate question than trying to get the author in a momentary lapse of inaccuracy of information.
Second, there's no way that you can in any way confidently say that your interpretation of this whole situation is the end all be all, that you understand and explain the "intricacies" to someone "so proud about his 'deep knowledge' of the language" to a "laughable" extent. ANY native English speaker will look at the context of this situation and agree with me in that your statement does indeed misinterpret his, and that your original reply to him does seem confrontational.
I could go more into detail, like the fact you sardonically belittle my comment about English not being your native language while also making tons of grammatical error makes you a rank hypocrite, but that's enough of my time wasted on a stupid, pathetic little bitch like yourself.
7-1 Caralho.