Aug 13, 2018
@givemersspls i mean from what i've understood he's still a little brat/kid that somehow managed to gain the trust of the elders/council very recently.
I'm sure he'll give out more ridiculous information pieces in the future, but it's still pretty much because he's a young'un in the eyes of many.
Jan 23, 2018
@givemersspls his "cultivation affiliation" is not even near being the shittiest and why should he waste his time on teaching things that wouldn't make them stronger while he had already give them all the knowledge needed to reach higher grounds than any human in existence?
Dec 24, 2018
@givemersspls I haven't read the web novel myself, but one logical reason to argue for keeping information to yourself would be to have full control of manipulating events. When you know that x thing can be found at y event/location, others that gain this information may act to acquire it, to the disadvantage of Nie Li in this case.

The reasonable assumption why the information isn't shared, however, is probably because the author didn't want to write characters with a genuine intellectual threat to Nie Li, at least maybe until he's not at a very significant level of strength. I forgot exactly how long he lived prior to his temporal misadventure, but he'll presumably reach a point where what knowledge he holds becomes irrelevant as time goes on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
His cultivation talent isn't bad, it's just that the technique he picked is slow in the beginning. But it has a higher "ceiling" than others.

He trusts his sidekicks above others because of how they acted in his first life, and he's given them the best cultivation techniques for their affinities (except maybe Ziyun). But teaching them all that he knows would take, literally, centuries - that's how long it took him to learn. He does dispense knowledge as stuff comes up (like the explosive formula to deal with the Demon Beast horde), and he's given the Orchid Institute better cultivation techniques, but there's not much more he can do.

And he hasn't had 5 years. He's had less than 2. Only one summer break since he came back in time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
By going alone, he can use stealth. None of his associates can do that, so taking one along would just increase his risk. When he went the first time, he went with all the survivors of Glory City, and they took casualties. It was completely different.

There are two aspects to his strength: cultivation level, and centuries of accumulated knowledge and experience. For the former, he did his best to raise the level of his gang. And they are, in fact, keeping up with him, if not outpacing him. But there's nothing he can do about the latter, and it's the important bit for what he's doing. There's no single trick he can teach to ensure their safety. Except maybe having a Shadow Devil, but he only has one, and even if he had many, it's not a very good spirit for fighting, and the others can only fuse with one.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@almondmagnum @givemersspls
Don't forget he even rejected the ancestor, though he can fly and remain undetected even against the dark guild, most likely since the beasts are at such a high point, they can most likely detect spiritual power. The shadow demons completely seals the user to everything and can only be detected via soul energy, as we saw "Father-in-law" only found him after blasting Nie Li with energy. So the second reason as to why the beasts are so dangerous and why traveling in a group is not advised should be that the path has multiple beasts that would wear them down over time, sure they can probably beat anything that got in their way, but they probably couldn't stop and endless barrage of them.
Apr 13, 2018
"Next time round, i really should get a demon spirit that can fly"... ::) will his third demon spirit be a
? to bad author im a pro 😎
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
That cat sounded like a dog, or that dog looked like a cat 🤣

Don't tell me Nie Li went to a new town to increase his harem. He keft behind the best waifu Ninger 😂
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
It makes sense to me that he would only disperse information to people he trusts. You can't just give everyone techniques since you don't know who the actual traitors are. So him being tight lipped about what to teach whom makes sense. Also as for the older generational people that he trusts, there's also the issue of gaining their trust so that he can give them the techniques that he knows. Do you think Yo Zhong would have trusted him before the poison incident? Probably not.

As for making "everyone wealthy" remember they are in a closed economy. You can't make everyone rich in that situation, you can only make yourself rich. The city lord is already rich. The orchard society is rich as well. There would be no point in him enriching those groups. He can (and did) help his friends make money, but that only works if only a select group of people have the knowledge of what is being done. Otherwise, if it's common knowledge, it won't hold any value and can't be sold. For example the purple grass that could only be stockpiled while people didn't know it's use.
Jan 23, 2018
@givemersspls i think you are mistaking something, his cultivation is by no means the worst but just the slowest, he had two choices for cultivation techniques, one that would be as fast as the one of his friends but not that great in overall power and one slower but the strongest, he chose the one that would be slower but would make him the strongest in the end of the road. I don't wanna give spoilers so I will tell that it would be useless to teach them those stuff.


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
This is turning into naruto, narutoring! This has to S T O P! XD

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