Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
That's right, Nagatsuki. It's not Ookuma's fault for being a complete jerk. It's everyone else's fault since your Prince can do no wrong...
This is now the third time this old story has been hashed over, the first time from Chiyo's perspective in chapter 14, and again in chapter 52 from Ookuma's perspective. We're now 170 chapters in and this headache just won't go away. Where are those nay-sayers who, back in the comments section of chapter 156, said that Ookuma and Chiyo's "past relationship doesn't matter" and that the "Ookuma thing was never really relevant and it's just in the past." Oh, if that were only the case then there would be no reason for Chiyo to hide it from Igarashi, would there?

Well, let's hope that Nagatsuki can at least put 2 and 2 together and realize that she's got no hope with Ookuma and that he's just been using her all along as a way to get closer to Chiyo.
Aug 9, 2018
@FredFriendly I stand by what I said: its still not relevant. They are never going back together and I stronly believe that Chiyo is not interested in Ookuma, she just doesn't know how to act with him because its awkward since the thing Ookuma did. I believe Chiyo has eyes only for Igarashi despite everything and she thinks that telling stuff to Igarashi will cause problems. I think we will discover her motivations for not telling him anyway and maybe that will cause a brief seperation between them but I think Ookuma won't have a big role overall. I thing the big role in their future problems will be Chiyo not telling stuff.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 30, 2018
Man this dude so annoying. How many years has it been. Move on
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2018
@FredFriendly Nagatsuki definitely doesn't deserve this guy,

I can't believe he said something so bad to her in the past and now wants to love her again despite the fact Chiyo is really going out with Igarashi now.

He can go out with Nagatsuki and enjoy their time on the trip which will make Chiyo very happy and all others as well.

but instead he is just using her to get closer to Chiyo just so he can satisfy himself.

He will lose everything including his friends as well if he keeps going like that and end up like he did before, regretting his actions .
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Xylo Well, you and the mangaka obviously disagree since she keeps repeating this old story. If it wasn't relevant, then chapter 14 would have been the last time we saw Ookuma's mug, but Coco has insisted on keeping Ookuma's presence relevant to the story. What the eventual outcome may be, we will only know as it happens, but Ookuma certainly does pop up at the most inopportune times for Igarashi.

Just on this holiday trip, for instance, Ookuma's presence has certainly put a damper on Chiyo and Igarashi's relationship. Let's not forget it was solely up to Chiyo whether Ookuma was invited to come and, despite declaring that she didn't want to see him again, she had Igarashi invite Ookuma, anyway. Instead of Chiyo and Ookuma doing the test of courage together, it should have been Chiyo and Igarashi. Instead of Chiyo and Ookuma having a rendezvous in the middle of the night, it should have been Chiyo and Igarashi. Chiyo and Ookuma acting familiar has obviously affected Igarashi, and not in a good way.
Feb 9, 2018
Well... I can only say that I admire your dedication @FredFriendly. I truly do.

I can't say that I'm enjoying this manga, but I want to see it to the end. And after every chapter I play a little game with myself: I look at the first "dialogue scene" (maybe a panel or two) of the chapter and then I look to the last one. You would be surprised the number of times that you can see the same level of development as the entirety of the chapter. That makes me mad at all the effort the translator puts on this just so we can read it for free.

Thank you again FredDriendly.

Edit: I hate Chiyo.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
What I can't figure out is why Chiyo hasn't asked this motherf- Ookuma why the feth's he's now sniffing after her, AFTER he knows she's in a relationship, having not apologized for his fething behavior years ago. In fact, she doesn't seem the least bit interested in confronting him about anything and just wants to... play... with...
..... have we considered that Chiyo is leading Ookuma on to utterly destroy his reputation at some point? Say, have him proposition her blatantly in some public fashion and shoot him down with the same words he used on her years ago?

I'm sure @FredFriendly knows the actual answer, but I'd like to entertain my slightly less enraging head-canon for a tic.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@contrasena Thanks for your encouragement. And I do need it after working on a chapter that holds no interest for me and which involves my 2 least favorite and the most annoying characters in the story. I don't hate Chiyo yet, though, who knows, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that at some point the mangaka makes a stupid story-telling blunder that affects the likability of a main character. In fact...
due to the direction that the most recent chapter of P to JK has taken, I have come to hate the FMC, so it can happen.

..... have we considered that Chiyo is leading Ookuma on to utterly destroy his reputation at some point?
Interesting theory, but do you really think Chiyo has the brain power to pull something like that off?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
@FredFriendly, she has the brain power of a broken crayon. No way she's devised up such a plan to get revenge when she can't even catch signals Igarashi tosses at her most of the time.
Apr 2, 2018
This manga has been getting pretty annoying lately, but this chapter was kind of unexpected in a good way. Hopefully the manga doesn't get more annoying again lol.

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