Interesting, seeing Miku in a lace thong. Is she going to be wearing that when she shows Futarou where her beauty mark is (the one that distinguishes her from her sisters)?
It means he's aware about her feelings but not inclined to respond back.
Anyway, regarding the person that helped Miku (at least with the underwear part), I can surmise that it was ichika or itsuki that gave the underwear since it was hinted at ch. 83 that itsuki have something "aggressive" to wear which I think pertains to a racy underwear.
Miku, finally. It took a lot of time, but it was worth it.
Now, the story is near the end with 3 more tomes at max, i just want to see the end, hoping for a good one, and not something who would ruin the manga.
I agree with your assessment. I understand enough of Japanese to know exactly where this came from, and it is a very rookie translation pitfall. Personally, I would have tried to twist it a little bit more liberally in order to convey they flow of that sequence, for example:
"I love that."
"And that."
"And this."
"And you too."
I feel that would have struck gold in the best way.