I still believe in Ichika. It's a false hope but I'm hanging on to it, it's not like I dislike Yotsuba anyways.
Just feel like more proper development between Fuutarou and Yotsuba would've been far better, they fellin love in a one day flashback, that's bs.
People kept calling Yotsuba the despair girl while Ichika gets it much much worse. Hell she kept trying to escape the Uesugi bowl but the bastard kept pulling her back in. Why? She quit school to focus on studies, give her private lessons, she asks for an answer immediately, he tells her he doesn't have an answer, then he comes back with the juice, then he says he'll decide later and picks Yotsuba anyways. "It could've been anyone of you, including you" and then checks her lips, after he had already picked the fucking juice. Feel sorry for her.
I know she was the least popular of the quints but she deserved better.