Are they ever gonna talk about that stuff or what?
When Hell freezes over but we first gotta wait for this Global Warming stuff to be over with and the next Ice Age to take over...
I feel like there relationship never has a middle ground it’s either depressingly low or high drama.
You notice that, too? They're either (rarely) super lovey dovey or Chiyo condescendingly insists on arguing with Igarashi.
Also this chapter really felt out of place after the last one.
That's an understatement. At the end of last chapter Igarashi catches Chiyo in an intimate rendezvous with Ookuma at 1:30 in the morning, they go to their separate ways to bed and now, presumably the next day, they don't talk about it but, instead, jump into bed.
i've got a feeling suddenly ookuma gonna meet chiyo in the street..i hope it doesn't happen though
That was exactly what I thought back in January when the raw was published. I do know what happens next and y'all might be surprised...
At least this confirmed they have sex regularly. Terrible sex.
Actually, it's
never been explicitly established whether or not they have actually had sexual intercourse at all so that's just an assumption on your part. The only previous time that it was shown that they even came close to doing the deed was back in chapter 107 at Shun's parents' house, but Chiyo was still fully clothed when they were interrupted by Igarashi's dad. Granted, they've been together as a couple for well over a year now but, knowing Chiyo, she probably still hasn't let Igarashi worm his way in, so to speak.