Double-page supporter
Jun 5, 2018
Scaring monster until it dead ...
well, in certain sense that's even more awesome than Saitama which need 1 punch ... 🤣
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
Why do people keep saying this is filler. Almost every chapter even. This is all written by ONE as a remake of the web comic(but with more content). Murata only does the art, all decisions for story, characters and battle choreography are done by ONE.
This is the way it is because ONE thought it better this way.
And just what part of this is "filler"? I don't get what it is that you people are complaining about.

Heck, this chapter in particular was actually also in the web comic(almost entirely in it, I don't remember whether or not the final scene with King and the shape-shifting monster was there, but the previous ones were in the web comic).
The end of Gyoro-Gyoro's fight against Tatsumaki and the scene with Fubuki, as well as the four of them having separated to search better. All of it was in the web comic.
Jan 19, 2018
@Sancturil The answer is simple.

You can have your pick of the following 3:

1) They are idiots.

2) They are trolls.

3) Both 1 and 2.

I personally prefer 3.
Oct 10, 2018
*Sigh* this arc is stretched way too long. Compared to the web comic which packed full of action, this feels boring, but with better art.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Kings the most powerfull hero in this manga. Nuff said.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Filler is anything that is put in a story to lenght it but don't develop nor move the story foward.
As such most of the chapters in this arc are fillers.
Wether that is a good thing or not keeps to be seen.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@mahtan I disagree. This series has always been about the characters. These chapter are there for the further establishment and development of the S-Class hero characters. This series has always been more focused on characters other than Saitama, and it will keep being so.
This isn't filler.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Those chapters have shown us nothing we didn't already knew about the S-class heroes. The only chapters were character development happened so far were the ones advancing the plot, AKA the ones in wich the heroes were fighting someone or doing something other than talking to one another.
This chapter was not filler, kinda. You see very little actually happened here and the whole chapter was just to show the reactions of the other character to Orochi`s fight with Saitama and, as you said, it is what this serie is about mostly. This chapter also setted two things: 1-Tatsumaki is actually having to put some effort and that is going to be important later; 2-King is the bluff master, also important later.
But there has been a lot of chapters in wich nothing happens and that can be fogotten or outright cut all togheter and it will not make any diference for the story, wich is what fillers are.
Oct 10, 2018
@jerrybubbles First of all, I said "this arc" not "this chapter". Second, please read the web comic first then come back here. Don't spout nonsense, the order of events are completely different, heck even the events are mostly different. Tatsumaki defeating gyorogyoro and king meeting the brat are way separated on different chapters, and it's the real brat in the web comic, not a mimicking monster. Third, do you know what "stretched" mean? Sure you said they "almost completely comes from the web comic", even if that's true, how long does it take in the manga? Way longer.

If you still insist that this arc is not stretched then just count how many dragon level enemies appeared in the web comic compared to here up to this point (king met the brat). Where's black sperm, homeless emperor, fuhrer ugly, gums, and even saitama still hasn't meet flashy flash, how many chapters do you think this manga would need to cover them all? And how long did it take for emperor kid to defeat phoenix man in the web comic? 4 pages, in the manga? god knows how many pages.

Please keep your nonsense to yourself, thank you.

@mahtan This isn't a filler, because
1) Tatsumaki has to defeat gyorogyoro in order to fight her real enemy, and 2) King meeting the (actual) brat right before the whole underground exploded in the web comic, so it was kinda cliffhanger for the next chapter (and explained the brat's whereabouts). But lots of thing are different here compared to the web comic (the brat here was a mimicking monster), so I guess you can kinda call that part a filler (?)
Dec 29, 2018
@fuadhika King didn't meet the brat in the webcomic because the brat doesn't exist in the webcomic. As for the new content in the manga I love it. You say the phoenix man fight is long like it's a bad thing. That fight is one of the best things in this manga. If I want to expierence the webcomic story I read the webcomic again, ONE can add whatever he wants to the manga and if it's good I'm all for it.
Oct 10, 2018
@jerrybubbles Ah yeah I forgot there was only the good brat in the webcomic, but the scene is identical, just that it's a monster here. Then it's just a different opinion, for you it's a good stretch, but for me it's a bad stretch and obviously stalling. It's just that they stretching what's doesn't really matter, like the fight outside the monster HQ, flashy flash vs the 2 ninjas, and the build ups, my god the build ups, it's like I'm reading overlord. Even phoenix man was just a grub in the web comic, but they made him like some sort of end game enemy here, just how much stronger they plan to make the real end game enemies later if they want to match the gap between them and phoenix man in the web comic.

Just how awesome it would be if they faithful to the web comic and just draw a better art version of it, the web comic from the beginning until the end of this arc it was full of action, every single chapter, it really was a blast to read it.
May 31, 2018
LOL it only feels like filler because the chapters are short. IF its all cram together like in a volume then nobody would complain.

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