Active member
Sep 4, 2019
he(licenseless bicyclist hero dude) is the guy from saitama's school(who biked to school) who got beaten up on his first day (i think he got beaten up for standing up to the point bullies(ripped shirt dudes iirc))!!

edit: i just read this and idk what i meant by point bullies, but i think the rest makes sense (just pretend the "point" is not there) (as a safety precaution, i stroke it through)
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
why are people in this series so bad at gauging their opponents' strength - i mean besides saitama's strength -
throughout entire series, except for a couple of times with saitama and gyoro gyoro(although she misjudged the strength of Tornado of Terror Tsu-somethingorother)(and also Fubuki was able to tell that Sonic was strong, albeit "by his stance"), everyone has an ability score of zero in telling other's strength — i mean, i know that there are monsters, but even before they cause massive havoc, they are given an estemation of desaster level, so why can't hero's or really anyone tell - oh this oponent is strong - or is stronger than me (and i am not talking about Stinger's self-absorption and self-overconfidence in the seafolk battles)
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
ok... i thought that saitama did not care about what people thought of him since he was only being a hero as a means of self satisfaction... so why is he so worried about what people will think of him in this chapter...

@GrimThoughts - is your profile pic of Spring Mustache from this series?
Mar 27, 2020
Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I'm confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine or it's off to jail.

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