Aggregator gang
Dec 11, 2018
Cool, listening to BREAK DOWN BREAK DOWN and Requiem probably weren't the best choice but HEY! :_
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
Typo on page 8: "Grandmother, when you finaly meet the god of death..." >> "Grandmother, when you finally meet the god of death..."
Typos on page 11:
"My desceased husnband ..." >> "My deceased husband ..."
"So thats it's a way that can ....." >> "So that it's a way that can ....."
Typos on page 13:
"Things between us ever went well!" >> "Things between us never went well!"
"Even the nighbors heard us fighting all the time!" >> Even the neighbours heard us fighting all the time!"
Typos on page 14:
"You've met my requirments" >> "You've met my requirements"
"And two, the family has a large fainancial burden" >> "And two, the family has a large financial burden"
"Doctors should not fource life-prolonging....." >> "Doctors should not force life-prolonging....."
Wrong balloon(?) on page 15 :
"Enter" >> Is that supposed to be right?
Typos on page 16:
"If will surely go....." >> "Itwill surely go....."
"Only if it is udged to be a natural death" >> "Only if it is judged to be a natural death"
Typo on page 19:
"...with the curent treatment." >> "...with the current treatment."
Typo on page 21:
"...you're suposed to run away..." >> "...you're supposed to run away..."
Typo on page 27:
"[Kiriko Orginal]" >> "[Kiriko Original]
Typo on page 28:
"And to lose onsciousness and fell nothing" >> "And to lose consciousness and fell nothing"
Typo on page 28:
"It's to late" >> "It's too late"
Jun 27, 2018
Got everything fixed except the "Enter" >> Is that supposed to be right?" that's just what was there and although it was sort of obsolete there wasn't much I could take out of the translation to fill in except for just "enter" which it just said in the literal sense.
Aggregator gang
Nov 11, 2019
Thank you so much, I love Kiriko-sensei and even when I have all the raws, I don't understand Japanese and I'm so happy to found the first chapter. Thank you, thank you 😭🖤🖤🖤

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