Jun 19, 2019
Thanks for traslating the chapters, and specially thanks for uploading the chapters in consecutive order!

It was great to finally have this series traslated again, but it was a bit confusing about why you randomly traslated chapters that were far and between, its nice that you stopped doing that!
Group Leader
Aug 29, 2019
thank you for being so kind.

we translated first what people requested and chapters we most wanted to see, for practise. at the moment, i am working on finishing volume 17 in order, but i will have to go back to finish it off with the first few chapters. i will then go fully in order from 18 onward.

natsu is working on 7 onwards, with about a chapter a week. we will eventually do volume 6, if hercules factory does not, but we thought it rude to start from 5 or 6, just in case hercules factory had started work on those. we very much like their work and we were very happy to see volume 5 from them. this is why volume 6 will take time.

we will try to go in order now as much as possible.
Aug 24, 2018
Thank you Machineguns for picking this up!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this on Manga dex page.

And it makes sense to translate the chapters you most want to see first.
I don't really understand the structure of this arc yet, but I'm happy with what I'm getting so far.😀

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