Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
so when MC wins will he then establish his own territory or will he just keep moving from place to place building up his skills?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
One problem this manga will soon encounter: I am already number one. Since MC started since day one and is extremely strong, he will rapidly reach the number 1 position. But then, where will be the challenge? He is already the strongest and his opponents can't change his place.
For this reason, nearly all the MMO manga have their MCs start playing the game some months after release, giving time for others to create strong clans that the MC needs to catch up to and defeat. Without these headstarts for the others, the MC will always be at the front except if they introduce a plot device.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
@Ovnidemon I'll still stick along for the ride, though. But yeah, like you mentioned, stuff like King's Avatar makes the transition a little more believable
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

All of his progress was reset from the beta, all he's got left is his experience in the game and knowledge of the game, but nothing practical ingame.
And this time around, he's not the only one with that knowledge, and there are way more players and bigger alliances around.
Mar 8, 2018
I really don't know how you guys think King's Avatar is better at approaching this.
Look I like King's Avatar's story as well but, he literally has less than Ye Xiu.
Literally no one, not even the game devs know who he is after beta. Master Ye has connections in the esport circuit.
Aside from making a subsidiary account to his close beta account (which is like getting that reward item in online games that screams "I WAS IN BETA", except it doesn't scream at all) he got nothing from beta, again a far cry from getting an existing account with a weapon engineeered just for you.

Think of it this way, what do you think Ye Xiu would be going through after BETA ended and he had to create a account on the 1st Server?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
But since he was number one before and because he is the MC, he is stronger than the rest, and so get stronger faster. It like a race: he goes at 31/h when the rest goes max at 30/h. The rest will never catch up to him. This style of story generally goes by: he goes at 31/h and the rest goes max at 30/h but the rest started 1 hour before, so it will take time for the MC to catch up.

A simple example: the current arc is against one of the major clan of the starting town. And he is already strong enough to face them, when the game just started. Since the game just launched, you can imagine than this is one of the strongest clan in the game. So you can assume that the MC is also one of the strongest clan in the game. At best, there is a few players that can walk shoulder to shoulder with the MC, but since he is the MC, he will win if they fight.

So yeah, except for a plot device, the story will lack logic at some point.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

If you consider that the end goal is to rule kingdoms...
And that all his friends are of over average skill as well, and that he himself has been rated as an awesome commander.
And calling those... rabble as a 'major clan' is extremely flattering, because
a) The ones they're reputed to be allied with haven't showed up
b) They haven't picked a fight with anyone strong (or if there actually is anyone strong nearby)
c) Their only strong side seems to have more players, thus a bigger army, but not any really good commanders, so they go for quantity rather than quality.

And well, the beta was limited amounts of players. This time, there isn't any limits, and there will always be some organizations that simply amass players and use numbers.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
https://mangadex.org/chapter/716466/7 (control the area)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/717455/7 (first opportunity for expansion)
It's been less than a week that the game is launched, so except for plot device, the players can't have gone far. I mean, in the previous battle, the young master level 17 was considered as really strong by the common players, and the MC was envied by him for being a silver insignia. At the dame time, the MC being the best player of the beta, even if he has nearly no help from good players, has only reached this point. Meaning that extremely few players could have reached this level. But it's normal, the game just launched. But that also means that the MC is at the front in term of power. Maybe not first, but in the top 100 at the very least.

And yeah, they aren't a major clan in the sense they will not last. But since the game is only at the beginning and they control one of starting town, they are one of the actual major power. Sure, even without the MC in a few days they will crumble but waiting that they are strong.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019
At the start of the beta, noone had really clear expectations of the game.
Now that the game has officially launched, people have a basis of information to use to start with.
As for the previous 'young master' , he wasn't the best player, he was just a very high level, which he could've achieved with quests and lots of allies, not actual skill. He was envious of the MC for having that much cavalry, not his insignia.
And at that time, the MC was a pretty high level, and he had never actually done something with his group then if i'm not remembering it wrong.

And I wouldn't say they 'control' the town, I would argue that they're a major faction near the town, but they've never actually tried seizing the town (whether or not they could succeed is another thing, it's what factions should do later on). They're unofficially a powerhouse in the local region (which might not have been liked by any other better teams, so they then by virtue of being the lone group end up as the strongest).

In modern terms, they would be a mix between a very strong gang and a small para-military group who's known in the region, and most of the locals have no arguments with them one way or another, and since they haven't outright attacked the local government, they're left alone.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
@Robbini https://mangadex.org/chapter/631639/9 (Darn this fellow, getting ahead of me again (And they talked about the insignia))
As for the young master, I never said he was the strongest, only that the common player found him very strong. It was the MC that I said was the best player in the beta.

While I can agree that no big factions took the beta seriously, remember that the MC was also completely alone. Also, he is the MC. So him being the strongest has 99% chance to be true.

I agree that the clan isn't officially controlling the region, but I think they try to do it. I don't see any other reason they try to be this strong. Also, it's explicitly said that they are the strongest player faction in the town, not just one of the major.

Also, do you seriously believe that no big factions want to control a starting town? It's one of the basic rule of any MMO. Either the starting zone is neutral or is controlled by a big faction since it's there that they can recruit new recruits the easiest. If the Wolf Gang is allowed to act like that without fear, it can only mean they are amongst the strongest. Sure, it would surely not last a better organized group would replace them, but in the current situation, they are one of the strongest. If you want, we can include the Black wind group with them, it wouldn't change a lot.

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