From what I could compare from the Raw, there's a lot of translation error as well as forgotten punctuation and text that are partially and completely omitted, that's why the flow of the conversation is sometimes strange.
A second translator is needed at least to double check and then have a proofreader.
Here's some of the errors I saw:
-All the "Onii-san" spoken by Haruka (the sister) has to be changed by "Onii-chan".
-Page 1, instead of the second onomatopeia "thud", it was supposed to be the door bell sound.
-Page 4, not just "Me too". Full phrase is something like "I'm coming too?"
-Page 13, I just wonder how come that "Delicious" part passed as it sounds just weird with the context. It's actually "Oisu", I'd say it's like a combination of "Oi" and "Wissu" that sometimes japanese (usually youngsters) used to greet. Just think of Goku's personnal greetings, "Ossu".
-Page 15 last panel, I don't understand everything but Chitose mentioned something erotic which is why Haruka is flustered saying "it's not erotic!" and additionally she said "it's the game's story!"
-Page 19 three last panels go like this.
"-san... is okay, right...?"
"Hey you over there, what are you doing being all flirty~?"
"No, I was just asking how we should call each other..."
-Page 26, "Chitose! I'll take the Fighter on! Watch out for the Hunter's attack!"
"Okay, got it!"
"Onii-chan. Don't panic even if your HP is in danger. I'll heal you properly."
"Chitose-san! ...Um... I have nothing in particular to say!"
"Why did you call me out?!"
-Page 29 second panel, "Kirika!! The Hunter is aiming at you!!"
-Page 30, "Her HP hasn't decreased too much. In that case, she should be able to recover immediately... Huh? Kirika, you're paralyzed!"
"No way?!"
"I can't cure status ailment yet! ...I know! Onii-chan!"
(Haruka's inner thought which has been omitted on the 5th panel) *If we can deviate Kirika from being the target... She may be able to recover from the effect of the status ailment..!*
"Use that ability called "War Cry"! Take every enemies' attention on you, Onii-chan!"
"Got it!"
There's more but let's stay at it for now. Better make a v2 and fix the mistranslation first.