Lol that translator note. Thanks for the heads up and for translating.
This isn't what I thought it was but if the guys get what they are want in a Wishmaster kind of way (but of course without the death) then I'll definitely keep reading.
Thank fuck. I hated MC. Don't think with your dick, my friend. Being a horn-dog doesn't end well in relationships, and its better to find someone you love than just following shallow desires.
(Also that chick at the bar was totally a plant from the organization to break the two of them up so he'd buy another girlfriend.)
The idea is quite good. The execution not so much. Drawing a story about douches being screwed over by their own mistakes needs to have way more introspection and longer scenes to truly make it truly satisfying to watch unfold. I have no doubt of the LN being good but from this fast paced plot I doubt that the mangaka will do justice to the story.
The story was concluded too quickly. Would've like to see the slow but gradual change in his personality instead of a complete Face–Heel Turn just after 1 or 2 chapters.
Like it would take a complete 2-bit asshole to start cheating on his girfriend that he has only slept with TWICE.