Jan 21, 2018
Yeah, those are all personal opinion except the one in page 4. It is by no mean a bad translation.
Thanks for the translation btw, I hope for the best to all of you
May 18, 2019
@green80979 I don’t really find a point in re-working on chapters that are already at a very high quality.

[Edit: Should probably actually sleep so I stop making grammatical errors]
May 18, 2019
@green80979 I suppose I can’t really deny that it is sniping, but it can also depend on how you interpret sniping is like.

As mentioned before, we had come into contact with /a/ (before even beginning to start working on this chapter. If they aren’t fine with it, we wouldn’t have done this to begin with). To quote them, “The goal is to do them all, in order.”

We wanted to advance further with the translated story while still keeping its readability, while they would keep translating if they can do better than what’s out there, for the sake of the readers.

These are two entirely different purposes for working on this manga, and both of us (TAT and /a/) don’t think that this would have an effect on any of us individually.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
@sondz1911 well, as one of the editors I can say that THAT guy doesn't speak for the team, I agree that the goal is to do them in order but at least with a minimum amount of quality. And honestly your work is really poor, I will gladly lend a hand because I know your work can look 10 times better if u spend at least 20 min more in each chapter.
Maybe you can start by reading this: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kh59fwsoa82bw5j/AADa7tdxCL_qm8bwtvXs27Gza?dl=0
Double-page supporter
Dec 29, 2018
Even though you guys are snipers, this translation was very high quality so I’m not complaining (I didn’t even realize that this wasn’t /a/nonymous until I read these comments lol)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2019
Not gonna lie, this one felt like reading a Vietnamese to English Wicked House chapter but with "Wicked House" written in small characters on the credits page 🤔
Welp, still thx for the chapter, I plan to buy this anyway when it gets released in my country, so not like I care that much about quality haha, good luck closing the gap whoever is gonna work on it!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Oh god, page 18 with the three party hats is some TF2 levels of hattery
Oct 20, 2019
>watermarked pages
>Jp --> Viet --> Eng
>awful typesetting job by someone who's never typeset before, and what looks like WordArt on every other page
>grammar mistakes and awkward ESL translations everywhere
Begone, shitty new group. Gonna wait for real translations. Since your goal is to "advance translations while keeping readability", you should delete your chapter when /a/'s version comes out, because this release is just an embarrassment. Although we all know that's not gonna happen since you don't actually care about the manga, just the clout.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 17, 2018
@StorageCrate Oh look, an entitled asshole. Seems like comment sections always have at least one of them these days. Let me just report this.

As for the translations...
The translation can use some work but it's readable and it makes sense. These are the two most important factors when translating anything. I understood the story and it doesn't seem to have too much problem in terms of grammar. Still, it can be better but that applies to just about anything.

Good work. I look forward to see you guys improve.
Oct 20, 2019
@Scrabbleman Oh look, someone who's so petty they go "OMG GONNA REPORT U" for every comment they don't like. And I can see why, judging by your mistake-riddled comment. You're just as ESL as the group doing the translation, so of course you defend your kind. Learn real grammar and come back when your opinions actually have some credible weight behind them.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
Imagine actually using ESL as an insult.
You probably don't even know that /a/'s translator is an ESL too.
Oct 20, 2019
@Kanami-chan I suppose I should've just typed out "person with incompetent 3rd-grade English who can't spell or use correct grammar" every time. You're right, I was doing ESL people a disservice by comparing the likes of some of these comments and this chapter's "translation" to them. Next time I will correctly call them out as middle school dropouts, my bad.

@Crookshanks Ah yes, so by your logic, I should be happy when someone dumps a free bucket of cow shit in my mailbox? No thanks, unlike you I'm not satisfied with everything in my life being below standard. I'd rather not read butchered machine translations, thank you very much.

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