I don't want to ruin the parade. but isn't this a pirated copy from tappy's?
also as the 0,1,2 chapter are free from tappy aren't using the outside link better than uploading official scan?
@Tempesta_Zero I think the translation stopped because there is an official English version available. Not sure about the batoto thing though, I mean people ripping official version and upload to various aggregator sites are many, you never know
@Tempesta_Zero what I don't get is why that person don't just post on aggregate sites but instead they post it on sites like Bato and mangadex where all the uploads are done by the translators themselves. If they post on aggregate sites it wouldn't be as big of an problem.
Also just checked on the uploaders profile. Account was just made today.
Well I'm talking about the recent problem which is the reason a certain translator stopped because of the issue in batoto and a certain server is now lockdown and chapters is now on hold, the culprit is still inside the server and who knows he's been the one doing all of this chaos.