May 28, 2019
So, the flame, wind, water, lightning and rock were originally just sword forms, and the Sun Breath is just that — a breath. That's why the derivatives are weaker — they adapted the idea of breaths as complimentary addition to the sword forms, not the other way around.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2019
Wait a sec, isn't this the dude who's willing to sacrifice himself just to buff Yushirou?
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@miyako19 ??? Why does it bother you, what.

I didn't feel for his sob story because I had way too present how he is essentially a stu, It broke the immersion. Is not anything out of the ordinary so I don't get why you even care or why you are giving me an answer to something I never asked (like why are you telling me specifically what you found relatable of his story? I legit don't care).

Sure It could have been some other random demon, is true. I simply assumed the obvious choice, I guess. At least to me, It seemed to be framed to be Muzan who did it considering he 1) Appears in the chapter, even if after a while of the incident in question and 2) Well he is probably relatively fresh compared to his older current self, maybe he could have wanted to be a sadistic prick or tried to convert Uta into a demon until he realized she had a child so she was useless??? Made Tamayo do it? Who knows, I really was speculating there.

@Jobslayer ???? When did any character talk to their dead family when they weren't themselves dying or dead already??? Is not the same at all. It would be more bizarre if they could hold normal conversations when they werent, you know, not dying, and just going about their business without any other medium to help that happening (like... Idk some ball of crystal kind of thing).

I find the inherited memories are a really forced device to show flashbacks or give the MC new powers. It could have been handled better imo but as It is it feels kinda lazy.

I also understand people will probably praise to hell and back something they love, and not see any faults in it. Thats fine, but so is expressing critical thought of what we consume, even If we like it (in my case, I like this series and have been following for quite some time, but that doesnt mean im blind to the weak spots it has nor that i wont express my opinions on it).

I hope i made myself clear on the questions asked. If you dont agree thats cool just dont pester me about it jeez.
Double-page supporter
Jun 10, 2018
Think about it. Almost no one would have a reason to fight demons or become a demon if they didn't have a background that led then to do it. It's imperative to understand why the world is the way it is to be able to enjoy the story.
Apr 28, 2019
@A-tan - I think he killed her for trying to turn her into a demon. He had been trying to do this for a long time. I think making him kill a pregnant character was just to emphasize that he is purely evil.

I also think that from past memories as a means of power up is a poor writing device, but it works to show flashbacks. Theoretically no other character has a Yoriichi connection except Tanjirou. It has some script flaws, as Tanjirou's father has been shown to have no ancestor relationship with Yoriichi, but some Tanjirou can have those memories through the blood.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@Chumbo Assuming he did (and so far we have no reasons to think Muzan didn't pull the trigger there), I really aren't denying that was a display of him being an absolute jackass. It really wasn't the point of me pointing what I found as faulty in the story (I did think It was kinda funny, in an horrid way) either. But uh, cool we both agree on that point!

I agree they exist for that specific reason (to show flashbacks/shove backstory for their world because the author didn't have other way to do it without the story derailing too much, I guess), but like you said and I said, is kind of a poor writting device. To me is one of those things you can't ignore once you notice. But at least now Tanjiro is half dead so I guess we can attribute his current "inherited memories flashback" to the ghost of Yoriichi showing him things or something. I mean ghosts are a thing and they can talk to people or influence them in some way or another. At least with the Kamado family is the case.

@NamelessSoldier Yes, but that is not what I'm pointing out here. I'm basically not particularly satisfied with how the author went about the way of showing these things to us. There is a difference and nobody is saying flashbacks are bad and should never happen.
Apr 24, 2019
MC didnt talk but his Dead family does, On times where he was out cold(Exam Arc) or in a pinch(Against Rui), Dead family comes to save the day. That what i meant by "MC talks with his dead family"

Also "Forced"? thats an interesting way to describe it. But honestly i dont think so, Yes it doesnt make sense, But so does being able to talk with your dead family. So in all honesty i think youre just nitpicking. Criticism is fine with me but your original comment was more of a rant so yeah i had to point it out. no offence m8
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@Jobslayer They are ghosts who died horribly and probably can't rest in peace so It honestly has more ground to me than "inheriting" a memory. Don't get me wrong, I do think both are... too convenient, I guess, for plot reasons, but one I find more belieable than the other (with the dead family we already know they are dead etc It basically didnt feel as forced to me).

But they don't talk with each other! Is a monologue at best, and in the demon's cases, they were already dead so the parties involved were both dead lol.

And none taken! I don't mind discussing points of view on series and more If I enjoy them. But I guess we will just have to agree to disagree? I don't find your counterargument with the ghosts of the dead a valid justification for the device of the memories but then again is just kinda there and we will have to deal with it.

Now Im more curious over Muzan getting his trauma with Yoriichi, so until next week.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
No one tell A-tan about the Dune series or else he will have a conniption
Apr 24, 2019
And in the same way i can just say. They're father and son and with things like breath of the sun i can see how inheriting memories would possible. Dont get me wrong, i do think both are convenient. but I find the Former believable than the other (With the Breath of the sun and whatnot it basically didnt feel as forced to me). See my point? nitpicking, No offence tho

You put way more attention to the word "Talk" than what i actually meant so let me correct myself, MC being able to "interact"

Yeah sure lets agree to disagree(Actually it kind of does) but hey if u really dont like the direction the author took then suit yourself, Im just saying youre nitpicking way too much and u should just go with it more (Its easier in the long run)
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@Jobslayer Well you agreed before that the current inherited memories is kinda bogus so there is no point in going in depth explaining why what you are claiming as a counterargument is not solid enough. But I'm still gonna add it If someone is curious enough to see my point of view:

-Breath of the Sun was never stated to allow for memory transfer, sooo yeah that doesn't work as an analogy or anything for that matter. Unless the author adds it, then I guess it will at the cost of being even weirder.
-The ghosts are the only ones interacting with the characters, so is not really a mutual exchange in the proper way. Is very one sided (barring the demons who were dying/were already dead). Again, is not really mutual despite trying to make it sound like it is. However, the entire thing with the ghosts in essence is constructed in a way that fits itself into the story without feeling forced. It has on its favor that it happened early on, too, so as readers we could take it as one of those "rules" their world has ("oh so ghosts can do that in this story", that sort of thing). I guess It also helps If you are familiar with japanese folklore? Since the ghosts of the Kamado family died horribly and probably can't rest in peace just yet. It has basically all the justifications for one to say "oh ok so that can happen".

Jeez, rude much? Even If I were nitpicking, It literally doesn't ruin my experience reading. Man, we have a comments section for a reason. Again, you can like something and comment on things you didn't feel that moved by. Is fine, I promise.

@stilgar Nah
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2018
Me seeing the girl bonding with the boy.

Ouh, she is gonna die.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2018
oh so basically he wasn't the original Breath in the sense that the other types imitated him, but he taught the Demon Hunters the literal key to levelling up, Breathing, and in turn it led everyone to developing their own techniques and "Breaths"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Flashback is all cool and fun until author spam it nonstop just to power up protag. I don't mind flashback be cause I would like to know more of background story but don't you have another way to power up him?
2way to power up mc
1.training arc(very acceptable)
2.flashback mid-fight(only 3 times if I'm not wrong. First is dance of fire god second is mark mode and third is see-through)
Well this story is heavily rely on technique and strength so obtain something like new sword won't help much

@psgokhan of course it's breath of the sun thirteen form.
Active member
Jan 29, 2019
Half the story is all about the flashbacks. They should just make a separate series at this rate since they have enough flashbacks to print a couple volumes.
Apr 24, 2019
Did I? If youre talking bout my first reply then no i wasnt saying it was bogus.

Interesting point of view, but Yeah we do have to agree to disagree. In short i find the inheriting memories more believable than being able to interact with ghosts. So looks like we're never going to come to an agreement on that one.

No offence tho man, if saying youre nitpicking to someone is rude then i dont mean any offence. But when i see nitpicking, i gotta point that out so that the person can understand that their comment was not a criticism and it was just them nitpicking. Oh well looks like there's nothing i can do to stop u from nitpicking so go ahead, i wont mind anymore. I think i'll stop here since we already agreed to disagree
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I guess he was technically right, he did defeat him, he just didn't kill him.

I don't really have much of a problem with flashbacks, as long as they're not Naruto filler level, but this is getting to be a bit much. It's not Akame Ga Kill, "oh, it's obvious what's going to happen now" level, and it's not annoying or detrimental yet, but I could see it getting there.

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