Apr 11, 2018
No, the chapter that caused the issue was after the official release. They took the official release, colored it, and uploaded it. Yes, posting scanlations before it's released in Japan was banned on Dex a week or so ago, but that was just because doing that is just a dick move.

That new rule here also gets rid of the argument that "people don't want to wait." The main groups doing the translations before have stopped translating them altogether, and it seems that the internet is beginning to follow suit. Many/most reviewers who covered the chapters on Thursday/Friday have announced their intention to move their reviews to the official dates, which will also probably reduce if not eliminate the risk of Shueisha claiming their videos. Most/all decent scanlators have decided to wait until the official release (I mean, did you see the OP translations that came out last week? After reading the official translation, it almost looks like most of the bubbles were cleaned first, and the "translator" just guessed based on the drawings). Best of all, it looks like even the people putting *something* out early are being transparent that it isn't even available in Japan yet when they release it. I didn't know that was the case myself until SJ/Viz announced that there would be a free same-day-as-Japan English release for everything. Then that "same day" was consistently several days after the scanlators.
Apr 11, 2018
I think most of that is because they use different terminology than you're used to. Some of that is because of Copyright/trademark concerns. Grammatically, the biggest issues I see in the Viz translations have to do with overusing compound words. You don't do something "everyday." That said, scanlators do that just as frequently... And most scanlators consistently have far more egregious errors.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
I know about 'what actually caused mangadex to go offline'. Why're you talking like I'm arguing about what happened?
I quoted it. Even in my original post I was alluding to it albeit not being specific. Can we move past that topic? It's not the point I was ever getting at.

And no having a rule on a single website doesn't cause everyone to follow suit. It's been a 'rule' on plenty of different sites, forums, and obviously by independents for a long, long, long time. A lot of the reason why people are backing down is because all of a sudden the DMCA/legal pressure is heat is high. But it's always been a relative issue. Batoto would get slammed with tons of bullshit entirely at random and then be consistently fine for months before having another slap come down. I saw imgur posts that have the chapters released early, I won't name the other site which also does fan translations early but yeah, don't pretend they don't exist. Kimetsu no Yaiba was translated back on Friday for example. The platform is just currently knocked from under them and time will tell if they create another Mangastream or not. Obviously they won't do it while this issue is so hot right now.
We've been roughly 4 days ahead of the official release thanks to leaks for the past forever. With the official releases it would've just been an extra 4 days until the next chapter and then consistent from then on out. I'm sure this will be a long waiting game to see how things wind up. But I can guarantee if they mess anything up the community will throw a huge fuss.
Apr 11, 2018
I'm talking like you're arguing about this because you were. You said "the issue has always been with speed." The issue here was not with speed. The issue was that there was an official translation on the site.

"And no having a rule on a single website doesn't cause everyone to follow suit."
Complete strawman. I said the main scanlators dropped Shonen jump and the internet began following suit, giving several examples.

"I saw imgur posts that have the chapters released early, I won't name the other site which also does fan translations early but yeah, don't pretend they don't exist."
Another strawman. I didn't pretend they didn't exist. I mentioned them and said they were absolute shit translations.

"We've been roughly 4 days ahead of the official release thanks to leaks for the past forever."
I mentioned that. I also mentioned that the garbage translations mentioned that they weren't yet released in Japan. Which is new.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
"I'm talking like you're arguing about this because you were."
Again, if you read what I'm talking about I said I was never speaking to you about that. When I was speaking about the speed issue it was on your argument of " I really don't see the point in scanlating these major Shonen Jump chapters...". I was explaining why someone would do so to begin with whether you agreed with it or not. That entire paragraph was pointed at that topic because I didn't see the need to addressing the official translation thing. I don't know why you're still bringing it up. I've addressed it like five times now. Move on. There's no argument about what happened. I clarified that in my last post and here I am doing it again. Amazing.

"I said the main scanlators dropped Shonen jump and the internet began following suit, giving several examples."
There were only two groups: Jaimini's Box and Mangastream. And I said that there were translations still posted regardless. How does that nullify my argument or make that insulting me misconstruing your argument? Clearly there wasn't an effect aside from what I said, which was throwing away their platform for distribution of the leaks. You gave two examples and I gave my own in comparison. To begin with your 'examples' were just as vague if not more than mine. If you don't remember what your examples were I'll give you a hint:
"The main groups doing the translations-"
"Many/most reviewers who covered the chapters-"
"Most/all decent scanlators have decided to wait-"
If you're going to call me out on 'misinterpreting your argument' by pulling the strawman card at least have solid evidence backing an argument first (considering I had to fill in your blanks).
It's only logical at this point that I should call you out on the same fallacy.

"I didn't pretend they didn't exist. I mentioned them and said they were absolute shit translations."
That's just your opinion. I'm unsure if we even read the same one, looking back now at the translational differences the 'shit translations' are just saying things differently. The meaning is the same.
For example:
Imgr Fans:
Roger: Whaaat? Your nation has one of those stones?! What colour is it?
Crew: It’s red.
Roger “That’s the type I’ve been looking for all this time! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

MD Fans:
Roger: “Really you have Poneglyphs in your countries? What color are they?
Crew: “Red.”
Roger: “That’s the type I’m looking for! You should’ve told me earlier dammit!”

Roger: What did you say?! Those stones are in your countries too?!!
Crew: Red ones, though.
Roger: That’s the kind I need the most!! Why didn’t you say something?!!

But at the end of the day the meaning is exactly the same. But I guess if the words are a little 'off' its a complete shit unreadable translation. Type of elitist thing I've been talking about with this community and the exact reason why because of this or if the scan quality isn't on par to the fans, is why another Jaimini or Mangastream could rise again. If I wanted to really have fun with this topic I should've swapped the official one with one of the fan translations to see if you could tell the difference, because quite frankly I doubt you've read the raws.

For the record going back a little to the previous topic about the rest of the Internet and the leaked chapters; the current upload to Mangadex for the fantranslation appears to be the same one that was uploaded to 'Readonepiece' on Dec 27. On Imgr there was a different translation I'd used as an example for but also uploaded on Dec 27-28th, and linked to by different websites. So for the two groups that died, it appears another two nameless ones have risen from the ashes.
Seems the internet is indeed following suit, forgive the sarcasm oozing from my voice.

As an aside I did find some joke translation which MUST have been the one you quoted originally.

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