whoever did the typesetting for this needs to use consistent fonts. it’s hard to read and it shows inexperience. please get into contact with me if you guys need better typesetters.
first the cover, since when do both of the sisters wear pants 😜
second his face when he sees the "fund" and then loose it 🤣
third why are all espers with Psychokinesis Women ? does someone prefer floating boobs 🧐
(page 4) "Don't tug on superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off old lone ranger and you don't mess around with.. Saitama...
Psykos... is it?
Good good.
Page 19 on Ch.126... FINALLY some eyecandy I can approve of! <3
I wish she could win. Kill that annoying Tatsumaki....
Or at least that she could survive physically unscathed.
Unfortunately the plot practically demands her death.