Apr 26, 2018
yeah he saved a few lives but condemed waaay more to death, starvation and suffering at the hand of kaido for decades.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Good ole Oden saving few so they can then live under 20 years of shit rule.
Hindsight really is 20/20 haha
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
Even if you hate Orochi, you have to admit that what was done to him and his family was pretty fucked up. Just because his father decided to do what he did, his entire family was killed and punished. I understand that it was Japanese tradition for such a thing that the entire household pay the sins, but that doesn't make it right or correct. If we allow tradition to blind us to what is good and right, then we'll never truly evolve and take steps forward as humans. While what Orochi doing right now is outright horrible, what was done to him through the nation's traditions and laws was also horrible.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
@xpehbam - While I don't really care if you do or don't like Oden, I think your view of the situation is incredibly shallow and myopic. It's not wrong to say Oden is a very simple man, but that doesn't mean he's an idiot either. In your interpretation of the situation you're forgetting an incredibly important piece of the puzzle: Culture.
We can say with high certainty that there are a lot of myths, misconceptions, and fantasy with regards to actual japanese history. Those things aren't actually important here, though. What we have in Wano is a hyperbolic version of a stereotypical, and idealized, feudal Japan. Even with the added fantasy-adventure elements that are all around, this core truth should be abundantly obvious. While the exact nuances may be more obvious for native readers, the overall theme should still be obvious enough. This is a society where 'bushi' and the lifestyle of the warrior caste reign supreme. A place where honor is held in the absolute highest regard, and where lying or scheming would be deemed cowardly and dishonorable; which could result in disastrous consequences. The higher your position, the more you're expected to uphold these values. You'll notice even the yakuza in this story (and in other stories as well) also follow a strict code, even though they are quite clearly a type of criminal element.
Knowing all of this, it's really not that surprising that Oden would have expectations of them keeping their end of a deal. As the readers, we have significantly more insight of the bigger picture. For the people of Wano, Orochi and Kaido are elements that go completely against their usual way of life. Oden is definitely naive and simple, but he's also just one man; even if he's strong. The people of Wano itself are just as responsible for where things head by being complicit. Something we learn they've later realized.
It's One Piece, though. Things are always going to go to cartoonish extremes to emphasise a point. If it frustrates you that much you could just take a break for a while and come back refreshed.
Man, typing really fast sucks sometimes. You end up typing way more than you thought in just a minute or two... Soryy bout that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Getting a bit pedantic here but shouldn't "boiling" with oil be called frying instead?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
@goodhunter yes. That's why oden want to open the border of wano. He is so open-minded, forgiving and decisive. Such a traits that must one looked into. All this traits will do if they have power to make it true
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
@havelmom your objection is subjective. Oda holds true to the oden's characteristic. Oden is not sanji who do think large scale efficiently. Oden is just like kaido said it, a fool of a lord, who think orochi have dignity enough to hold his promise
Apr 12, 2019
Anyone coming to this comment section do not give xpehbam any attention, he's just a sad troll who has no one to have a proper conversation with irl lol
Dec 27, 2019
you gotta admit though, said troll is pretty based for triggering dozens of people with a simple comment.

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